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When to upload?

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    When to upload?


    I'm building my first site in Actinic and I just wanted to ask when the best time to actually upload the site to my hosting was? I've got most of the initial design work done but want to start playing about with products which it is hard to do when testing locally. Is it ok to get the site uploaded even before all the design work is completely finished?


    Upload as soon as possible I say, it makes sure your hosting is fine and you get to see the real picture of your site, which helps greatly on cross browser testing amongst many other testing areas you will need to do. If it's a brand new domain then people won't know where it is anyway and even if not, then a simple message on the home page to explain what's occurring is fine. Too often people make the mistake of waiting until complete then going live, get the search engines in ASAP and get them interested and seeing that the site is being updated and maintained - loverrrly.


      Thanks Lee. In that case I think I will get cracking with uploading my site. And thanks for taking the time to explain the benefits, much appreciated.


        Agreed, I left it late and my site is ranking slowly but surely but I could have started this process months ago and I might actually have orders now!!


        Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

