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Coupon code not working

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    Coupon code not working

    Hi There,

    I have set up a coupon code for registered account holders so when they log in they can apply the coupon to get five pounds off a one of purchase, the thing is when i test it and add the coupon code it wont change the amount in the basket when i click the update button, but if I put a wrong code in it says its not recognized so its kind of doing something.

    Please can someone help me?


    Coupon update glitch

    I have had a similar experience however it does not seem to be the coupon code not working, just that the adjustment doesn't always show immediately when you click 'update'. The reason I am on the message boards and found your message is actually that looking for a resolution to this delayed updating of the cart. (If the coupon code genuinely doesn't work then when you click 'update' you will actually be told that the code isn't valid.)

    I find that in fact the adjustment often just doesn't show until the very end of the checkout process. Try going all the way through the checkout process before you assume there is anything wrong with your coupon set up.

    I don't know why the coupon isn't adjusting but it is quite annoying expecially because if customers don't see the coupon adjustment they assume it isn't there. And if the coupon is for a promotion it can look like a bit of a con and result in a lot of abandoned carts.

    I guess the fault may have something to do with browser cache but I don't see why. Surely using the shopping cart 'update' button should refresh the cart calculation. Anyone know a solution? Are we going to have to tell customers to click their browser 'refresh'?



      I have tried the coupon code update scenario in my version of Actinic v8 (I am on v8.5.3) but the Shopping cart total is adjusted correctly when I hit update. Suggest if you could get in touch with Actinic support so this could be looked into.
      Krithika Chandrasekar


      E-commerce software by SellerDeck


        Hi - I am experiencing similar "disappearing coupons"...

        If you visit my site using this link:

        You are assigned a coupon correctly through the URL. You are also correctly prompted in your shopping basket to "Save 5% on your order by buying 1 more item".

        If you add another item, the prompt disappears and the discount may or may not appear.

        If you Checkout Now, after manually adding the code May09, the basket will correctly update before payment. However if you add more items or adjust your cart, the code and the message disappears again!

        This could be really confusing for customers... Any suggestions as to the cause?
        Kenny Fraser

