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Multiple Associated Products

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    Multiple Associated Products

    I have a product (let's call it a widget) that I purchase in bags of 1000 but am selling in packs of 20, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 and use weight based shipping options.

    I have created a component of 'Pack Qty' and have an option for each of the 5 pack size options.

    I have set up a hidden product which holds the weight of one widget and can set it up as an associated product, but cannot tell Actinic the a pack of 500 consists of 500 x hidden widgets.

    Does anyone have ideas how I can get around this problem.

    To solve the weight problem I could set-up 5 hidden products each storing the weight for one of the options, but cannot find a solution that allows stock to be monitored.

    I have searched the KB, AUG and forum but couldn't find an answer, although I initially assumed it would be something very simple.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

    Originally posted by Golf Tee Warehouse View Post

    I have set up a hidden product which holds the weight of one widget and can set it up as an associated product, but cannot tell Actinic the a pack of 500 consists of 500 x hidden widgets.
    you may have to use a single component checkbox for each pack size and specify the qty of the associated product (that only appears at component level with no attributes)


      Thanks Tracey,

      I'll give it a try.
      Darren Guppy
      Golf Tee Warehouse
      Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


        I have now given that a try but couldn't see an obvious way of forcing customers to tick just one box.

        I think the easiest option would be to keep with my original idea and forget about stock monitoring on that product.

        Thanks for the suggestion anyway, Tracey.
        Darren Guppy
        Golf Tee Warehouse
        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


          How about setting up 5 separate products which each use the widget (appropriate qty) as a mandatory component. That way you can control pricing, weight and widget stock.
          Alan Johnson

          Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
          Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


            Just as an addition to the above suggestion, this won't work if you then try to use those 5 products as the associated products for a main one, like you originally wanted.
            Actinic cannot stock control that complexly (is that even a word? LOL)
            It can only directly control stock on an associated product. Not any components within it iyswim.
            Obviously, using 5 individually listed products is possible though.


              All good suggestions, I just need to decide whether to go for five separate products with stock control or one product with no stock control.

              Actinic cannot stock control that complexly (is that even a word? LOL)
              It seems that 'complexly' is a word, although I was about to state that 'iyswim' isn't a word until I realised it was another acronym (If You See What I Mean).
              Darren Guppy
              Golf Tee Warehouse
              Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                If you use a fragment for the product description and image, then five products simply with pack size, price and quantity, you can create a layout that looks pretty much like one product with 5 options and either 5 buy buttons or a single buy button per page. I have moved in this direction for several of my products (on V7 and soon V9) precisely because I wanted to let customers know the stock status.
                Alan Johnson

                Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
                Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct

