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Restrict Visibility to Customer Types at Section Level

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    Restrict Visibility to Customer Types at Section Level


    I wondered if there is a way to get the visibility options

    to show at section level here,

    This would be very useful as I can then hide/show sections to specific user types. Basically I want to re-direct the login page back to a specific page, but not show the - now logged in - customer, those sections that arent relevant.

    If you see the url below, you can see what I mean.. I have - so far - created sections "login now" and "join today", with a dummy product with a specific layout as a login with a re-direct to the members area page. On that page will have a number of sections viewable only by members, but when users are logged in I want to hide the irrelevant sections such as Join Today and Login Now, and then show them things like special offers, competitions etc, etc relevant to the member.

    in case you wanted to login there is a test user set up

    user: denise
    pass: test

    If I can't get that option to show at section level , is there a workaround at all ???

    Sorry for such a long winded question, Hope you can help. Many thanks in advance.

    Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what?... Wait!...Where are you going?

    Hi Denise

    You can find the workarounds you need, and many more in The Advanced User guide, you can download this from here . You will need to download the zipped file for v9. Hope this helps.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck

