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Out of interest.....

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    Out of interest.....

    We had a server go belly up yesterday and had to move numerous sites over. Interestingly, when the Actinic sites were copied from one server to another verbatim, inc cgi-bin and permissions all the same, it would not work until it had been fully refreshed. Any idea why this should be ?

    Out of interest it was a webfusion vps. The mail server stopped working and their tech support is non existent. Taken a new VPS with EUKhost who seem much more willing to help their customers!
    Richard Gosler
    Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
    Dorset, UK

    The best way to copy sites to another server is to download any orders and then change the DNS and do a fresh install on the new server, I imagine just copying the sites from one server to another buggers up some of the scripts
    Chris Ashdown


      I might also be a good idea to transfer any session files, saved carts, 'remember me' stuff (I can't remember where they are stored), etc that might be kept on the server.

      I don't know why transferring everything over doesn't work. Maybe the best solution is to transfer everything over (to get the seesion files, etc) and then do a full refresh.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


