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Multiuser dead DSN for one site

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    Multiuser dead DSN for one site


    Can anybody tell me which file or registry entry tells Actinic which site to start up on?

    I have a v8 multiuser/multisite business installation and one of the sites seems to have an MDAC problem. The primary PC (i.e where the sites are stored) was last used on that 'dead' site, so Actinic refuses to run. The other PCs can connect to all the other sites, but crash if you try to connect to the 'dead' site.

    My favoured fix is to recreate the 'dead' site as a new Actinic site and import the latest snapshot, which I hope will cure the problem, as it must create the new database and connection?

    However, I think I should really do this from the primary PC (not sure?), and as I can't run Actinic, I'm stymied.

    I believe that somewhere (registry or ini file) you can edit the 'last used site'. If so I can set this on the primary PC to a site other than the 'dead' one, and should then be able to carry out my fix.

    sites/sites.ini list all sites, with a site which is not the 'dead' one at the top of the list (out of sequence). I thought this was the mechanism which told Actinic which site to start up on...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by dandelion; 09-Apr-2009, 12:06 PM. Reason: extra info

    You've 2 main options:

    Option 1 - the Registry edit:
    Open "regedit", find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Actinic/Catalog8" and edit the "Site" key accordingly.

    Option 2 - the command line:
    Simply type "C:\Program Files\Actinic V8\Catalog.exe -s site1"
    where "site1" is the name of the site you want Actinic to open in.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      Thanks Fergus

      I was in HKEY Local Machine in error. Couldn't find a site key there! Thanks

      Have also tried option 2 already but trying to do this over the phone with the client proved tricky!

      Thanks again


        I would have thought that option 2 would have been easier?

        [email to client]
        Click "start->Run"
        copy and then paste the following into the text box:
        "C:\Program Files\Actinic V8\Catalog.exe -s site1"

        and hit enter.
        [end email]

        Save all that regedit messing about.
        I'll assume fee is in the post
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          Three farthings on their way

          The problem with option 2 was that they have Actinic installed on a network drive, and we couldn't work out the correct path over the phone.

          Anyway, all is now fixed via the registry edit route.

          Thanks again.

