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Affiliate Window click append

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    Affiliate Window click append


    I have recently setup Affiliate Window on a clients site and now have received a pdf from Affiliate Window saying "Click Append" needs setting up so that if an affiliate enters the website with their affiliate id attached to the end of the url string that they want the affiliates ID to be embedded into the html of the page next to the order telephone number.

    So basically if someone follows an affiliate link to the store then decides to place the order by phone the operator can ask the caller for the reference number next to the phone number, so you would add something like this on the site:

    Telephone 0845 123 4567 to place an order and quote 45628 when
    and the 45628 would of been pulled from the string on the url which would be something like:

    Anyone have any ideas if this is possible and if so how to go about it? the other issue is, it would need to combine an if statement for the visitors who have not come to the store via an affiliate so the if statement would hide the paragraph based on the url.

    Any help appreciated.

    This will require some php coding no doubt but one thing that did come to me is a) they must surely have an integration kit available, b) do they seriously rely on the 'advertisers' honesty in terms of phone orders?


      they request all phone numbers be removed from the site, or that a script is in place that when an affiliate lands on your site it recognises its an affiliate and shows alternative pages without telephone numbers! more than silly in my opinion.

      I have asked for any available example code for which I have been told they have none "but it should be quite a simple process to achieve" I thought php but not knowing a great deal of php or how to use it on a html extension had me worried.


        There are two ways to do this - you can alter your .htaccess file so that the server processes HTML pages with the PHP PreProcessor - or you can use javascript to hide the phone numbers and to replace them with the Affiliate message. Personally I would favour the later as it will mean less of a hit on your server.

        Secondly if the affiliate scheme is asking for this why don't you ask them to write the code in entirely rather than asking for example code - tell them you will be wrapping a span tag with a class attribute named "affiliateHide" round your phone number.

        <span class="affiliateHide">0845 900 6007</span>
        and that you want them to supply back the javascript to hide it and replace with the message they want. I think they should write it for you, it is after all in their interests.
        Wayne Theisinger

        The Web's just settling in. We got the tech, now let's put up something that matters.


          Cheers Orchid, the javascript method sounds good to me, I will email them this info.

          Many thanks for your time.


