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Change DTD

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    Change DTD


    Can anyone tell me if changing the DOCTYPE declaration from the default HTML 4.0 Transitional to XHTML 1.0 Transitional will mess up my Actinic site? I know I will have to tweak a few styles but I would rather work with the XHTML DOCTYPE and I have seen other Actinic sites using it so it must be possible. I just wanted to check to see if anything would not work correctly?

    Many thanks

    Re-writing the DTD

    I can't see any reason why you can't change the DTD, just follow the usual take a backup routine so you can revert if it all goes "pear shaped".
    You will still have a mix of your new code and Actinic's own older style HTML though.
    Steve Griggs.

    "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."


      When you register a design with actinic, it changes the DTD if it is not a suitable one. Therefore I would say you cannot change it to anything and should leave well alone OR you should change it and then register that layout with actinic and see what it does about it.

      However, if you have seen actinic sites using it and they worked, i'm not sure what the question is, haven't you answered it yourself?

