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Callback to 'Transaction successful' page

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    Callback to 'Transaction successful' page

    Hi everybody,

    I was wondering if anybody can see any reason why, after a successful transaction via SECPay, a customer at our Checkout on is not taken to our 'Transaction successful' page? This suddenly seems to have stopped working.

    The required page is present on our server, at:-

    Also, once the customer has reached the page hosted on the SECPay servers where they enter their card details, there is present a Hidden field in the form they submit to SECPay, which reads:-
    <input type="hidden" name="callusercallback" value="">

    So everything looks like it should work. (Transactions go through OK, Actinic sends out confirming email to customer, orders retrived OK, etc.)

    I cannot tell you precisely when this stopped working properly, we have not made any changes recently to this part of the site. The only change has been we have just moved the site to a new hosting company, although I cannot see why this might any difference - everything else is fine.

    Would be grateful for any thoughts!