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Short Products List page which links to product itself?

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    Short Products List page which links to product itself?

    Hello everyone

    I want my products page to have a short run down of each product, i.e. title price, buy now button. but.... only a small part of the desription text (maybe first para) with MORE INFO buttons which then takes you into the page with the complete prod description on it.

    So you can click 'buy it now' on the prod list page or 'read more' and THEN 'buy it now' on the prod page itself.

    At the moment the prod list page is hugely long with the complete product info. See here;

    Does each product have its own page hidden somewhere?

    If I knew where and where to link to one option would be to edit this prod list page manually and add my own linked MORE INFO buttons but I dont think this is the case...

    thanks for any help


    what you're looking for is "single product pages" or "SPPs"
    Plenty on the forum about it and a good tutorial on Lee's website too

    It's also detailed in the Advanced User Guide (available on actinic website) and I'm fairly sure it'll be in the Knowledgebase too (link at top of forum)

