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Product Options - Different Postage Rates

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    Product Options - Different Postage Rates

    I have read a number of threads along these lines but haven't had any success in finding the answer.

    We have a series of products (Graffiti Removal Gels) which are available in 1 litre, 5 litres or 4 x 5 litre options for purchase.

    I would like to keep the page concise and not set up a product for each but would like to add the 3 options in product option.

    Each option has a different postage cost and I haven't been able to work out how I can apply different postage rate to each option??

    I would be grateful for any assistance in pointing me in the right direction.

    Many thanks

    Create a product for each option, assign a weight to each, then you hide the products and attach them to the options in the drop down list. So when a choice is made, people are in fact buying a physical product. It's the same process you adopt for stock monitoring.

    Read the inbuilt help on attributes, choices and permutations and then search the forum on 'hidden products' and you should have all the reading you need.


      Thanks for your help Lee. I have been trying to implement this.

      The problem I have is I have set up the products and associated it with the components but when you try and buy it online it doesn't come up with the cost. I have tried all different options but with out luck.

      You can see what I mean on the following link:

      and scroll down to the 1st product.

      Any ideas where I am going wrong?


        Select the main product and check the pricing model on the general tab. Think you'd be better having those options in a drop down list instead too. Check what you have set for pricing and also the associated settings on the component (tickboxes).


          I now manage to get the price of the item but the postage is incorrect, I have no idea where the postage cost is coming from because I don't have anything set up at that value.

          Also if I go to checkout the items disappear every time. (Only on these products I have components for.

          Yes I would prefer it to be a dropdown but can't find an option for this?


            Read the inbuilt help on attributes, choices and permutations is your best bet at this stage I think.

