Hi, i've recently started to adjust the checkout pages on our site to make them look a little better. I Started going through them one at a time. When i reached the last one 'SSL Bounce Page' i recieved a script error from Actinic which was Script Error at line 108 : Object Expected. Now i've looked over our primary layout that handles that checkout page and have narrow the error down.
This line seems to be causing the error. If i remove
the error stops. I believe the code after the prel;oadimages is for the google analytics in v8 of actinic but not sure what the preloadimages does. Can this be removed or is there another way of stopping this error in our checkout.
Cheers FrAz
HTML Code:
<body onload="<actinic:variable name="OnLoadScript" value="PreloadImages" />; javascript:__utmSetTrans()">
HTML Code:
onload="<actinic:variable name="OnLoadScript" value="PreloadImages" />;
Cheers FrAz