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Run an SQL query without MS Access

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    Run an SQL query without MS Access

    If you want to be able to run an SQL query on an MS Access database but don't have Access , or dont know how to run it in Access then here is a small utility that will do it for you.

    Use strictly at your own risk and BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST!

    Rename the attached file from .txt to .vbs and then double-click it.
    Browse to the database you want and then enter your SQL query.

    * Thanks to Fergus and others from which some code snippets are taken.

    UPDATE: Additional version uploaded with different folder pick code - as per Fergus' post below.
    Attached Files


    Appreciate you may not provide support for the script but when I double click I get the warning message 'You Didn't Select a File'.

    Why is that.

    regards Tony
    Your one stop shop for spares.
    Washing Machine Spare Parts


      Originally posted by Tonyo View Post

      Appreciate you may not provide support for the script but when I double click I get the warning message 'You Didn't Select a File'.

      Why is that.

      regards Tony
      This message only happens if you have not selected the ActinicCatalog.MDB file in the "Choose File" dialog box that pops up.
      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

      SellerDeck Hosting
      SellerDeck Digital Marketing


        Yes indeed, but the message box pops up before it gives me an option to select the file.
        Your one stop shop for spares.
        Washing Machine Spare Parts


          Try a slight adjustment to the folder/database picking code

          '@author    Duncan Rounding - Genesis Technical Ltd -
          '@date        2009/04/22
          '@version    0.1
          '0.1    Initial    2009/04/22
          'This script will allow entry of a SQL script and execute it on a selected Microsoft Access database.
          'Use at your own risk
          siteFolder = pickFolder(0)
          mydb = siteFolder + "\ActinicCatalog.mdb"
          sData = InputBox("Copy the SQL query you want to execute into the input box")
          strAutoset = MsgBox("This will update the selected database with the SQL query." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "BACKUP THE YOUR DATABASE BEFORE CONTINUING" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &"Select 'Yes' to go ahead and update the database - wait for the update to finish." & vbcrlf & "Select 'No' to cancel." ,4)
          If (strAutoset = vbYes) then
              Set OBJdbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
              OBJdbConnection.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & mydb
              SQLQuery = sData
              Set Result = OBJdbConnection.Execute(SQLQuery)
              msgbox("Completed - Database updated")
              msgbox("Aborted - Database not updated")
          End If
          Function pickFolder(strStartDir)
              Dim SA, F
              Set SA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
              Set F = SA.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose the folder that contains the Actinic database you wish to work on.", 0, strStartDir)
              If (Not F Is Nothing) Then
                    PickFolder = F.Items.Item.path
              End If
              Set F = Nothing
              Set SA = Nothing
          End Function
          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

          SellerDeck Hosting
          SellerDeck Digital Marketing



            I think I have just answered my own question.
            Having looked at the script again I realised that what I have is different to what you have just shown.


            Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
            ObjFSO.Filter = "Access Databases|*.mdb|All Files|*.*"
            ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 1
            InitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen
            If InitFSO = False Then
            Wscript.Echo "You didn't select a file!"
            End If

            Change this line
            If InitFSO = False Then - to equal True

            Now it works.

            Was the script intended to work this way or is changing that option just a work around.

            EDIT -- I tell a lie. No it doesn't work. It is by passing the file selection request.
            regards Tony
            Your one stop shop for spares.
            Washing Machine Spare Parts


              did you try my version?
              Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
              Ecommerce Digital Marketing

              SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

              SellerDeck Hosting
              SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                Hi Fergus

                Thanks for posting your version of the script.
                That has fixed it for me.

                kind regards Tony
                Your one stop shop for spares.
                Washing Machine Spare Parts

