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9.03 Login problem Business Multi User

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    9.03 Login problem Business Multi User


    I have found a thread where this happened on V9.01 and was resolved by stopping and re-starting the sync server.

    We are on 9.03 IMMA and performing this does not work, I have done a stop/start of the service a couple of times, without success.

    We get the error message

    "License with reference 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx' cannot be edited, it is currently locked by user 'xxxxxxx'

    Secondly, we can both login, if I am working on a different site.

    Thirdly, we can no longer publish to web on the problem site.

    I just wondered if anyone has had/is having this problem and what they have done about it.

    Thanks in advance..
    Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what?... Wait!...Where are you going?

    OK, with actinic multi user you still need a multi user key for each person connecting. to get the other person to connect to the same site as you, you will need to buy a new multi user key.

    We use the actinic multi user at work and as anoying as it is we bought keys for all the designers and now it is working perfectly.


      And your second problem is also very normal for this kind of thing. Aslong as you arnt on the same site actinic will not compare your keys.



        That explains things.. I did think we bought an extra license though, I'll have to look into it oh well at least we know why its happening.
        Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what?... Wait!...Where are you going?


          You cannot publish if someone else is on the same site

          Are you using different names in settings users?
          Chris Ashdown

