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Contact Us Page - problem

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    Contact Us Page - problem

    Hi All.
    My 'contact us' page isn't sending the emails out.
    I'm not getting any errors, just not receiving the emails.
    I take it that the email set in the 'Business Settings' email address is the one that is used for the contact us page!
    Andy ideas??


    Business settings email and the settings in network setup need to tie up. A host that works with actinic is preferable too. Checked your spam rules, are you getting other site emails?


      Hi Leehack
      Thanks for posting back.
      When you say "Business settings email and the settings in network setup need to tie up", what do you mean?
      I'm using localhost for the SMTP server setting. Is this correct?


        localhost is fine if it passes the network test, it's not about what you use generally, it's more about whether it passes the test or not and whether you then get the test emails. Do you get other site emails, does the email address work as normal otherwise?


          Also, when i test the site in the advanced network setup, all pass.


            Do you receive the test email when you test the network settings?


              I have an enquiry form on the site too which works fine.
              I also have some .php pages that use fmail and they work fine too.
              When i perform the 'test' i don't get any any test emails.

              My contact us form has been modified to add a telephone number to the standard fields.



                I'd revert your contact form to standard, and do not proceed with any changes until the test email is received. You are reverse engineering otherwise, trying to work out what is wrong. Perhaps localhost doesn't work for you, perhaps you have added incorrect settings, perhaps you need a site refresh, perhaps you ballsed up the contact form. Too many variables that could stop this. Whose the host, do they work ok with actinic? Checked firewalls, spam rules etc?


                  When i perform the 'test' i don't get any any test emails.
                  This is what you need to concentrate on, if you get an email during the test process the rest will work. Have you asked your host what to use as SMTP? is the email addy in business settings a valid on domain one? Who is the host?

                  I have an enquiry form on the site too which works fine.
                  I also have some .php pages that use fmail and they work fine too.
                  My contact us form has been modified to add a telephone number to the standard fields.
                  leave this to one side for the mo, they may be using different protocols.


                    Hi pinbrook
                    Thanks for replying.
                    We use Clara Host for our Actinic sites.
                    I've just rung them and was advised that they have experienced problems with Actinic in the past. They advised all Clara Host customers to use 'localhost' for the SMTP setting. My settings also use localhost.
                    Clara Host have not really been very helpful and simply advised that the problem is probably down to Actinic.



                      Sorry i forgot to mention that the email address in the business settings is my own work addy



                        I've just changed the email address in the Business Settings to my own personal email address and it worked fine!
                        Andy Ideas why it won't work with the works email address?



                          Is this works email address and new one that you have created?
                          "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


                            Your host is probably blocking sending emails via script that are not hosted on the domain.


                              Just spoken to Clara Host and not getting anywhere with them at all.
                              If i use my home (personal) email address in the business settings, the contact us form works.
                              If i change the email address to one of our stass email address's, it doesn't work. I don't get any errors, just no email!
                              Just don't seem to be getting anywhere with this today.


