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Coding Error on homepage only on some machines...

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    Coding Error on homepage only on some machines...


    We have recently launched its an online shop for a Jewellery Manafacturer based in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham.

    The site is all up and running and fully functioning.

    I am getting a strange error which appears on some machines and not others.

    While testing in IE6 and IE7 I get the following error just on the homepage:

    "Done but with errors on the page" I have exanmined the lines in the code and they seem fine...

    Could anyone offer any advice on debugging this and let me know if its happening on their machine?

    I have had a look at some of the V9 showcase sites and a couple give the same error:

    and this site a different syntax error on the homepage:

    Any feedback would be much appreciated!

    View the site using firefox and use firebug to help you de-bug


      We have tried this, but cant find the error... dont know if it could be an onload error?

      Actinic is good software but would be nice if it validated... Hopefully this will be sorted in future releases.

      Can anyone lese help me with this?



        Actinic will never validate dueto the proprietry tags it includes.

        there is a developer tool bar for IE, this may help find what IE is objecting too

        Nice site BTW


          Wow never knew this existed... Looks a bit complicated...

          I still havent been able to fix the problem. Is anyone else experiencing it on their machines?

          Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated.

          Ps - Glad you like the site, a lot of hard work went into it!


            Your site looks okay on my pc through IE7. The other 2 sites come up with errors.

            I had exactly the same problem on my both websites and it was Google Analytics code that was giving 'Done but with errors'. All 3 websites have Analytics installed so it may be the same problem?

            The solution to that was given some time ago by NormanRouxel but I couldn't find this post now.


            document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

            has to be replaced with:

            document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "" + "." + "js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

            Maybe worth a try.

