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Section/Product Type structure on Brochure Pages

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    Section/Product Type structure on Brochure Pages

    I want to be able to create a directory of selected customers who can provide consultancy support for some of the products we sell.

    I would like to place this directory as a a section within the brochure pages and have sub sections for product categories (mirroring the main section headings) and have details of each consultant as product pages. This will allow the product feedback facility to be used as well.

    Is it possible to implement the Section/Product structure in brochure pages? I have tried using the "Using The Same Layouts for Brochure Pages as for Section Pages" from the Advanced Users Guide without success. I suspect this only effects the layout rather than structure of the pages.
    John Legg
    The Debug Store


    Brochure pages do not do hierarchy like sections, BUT, you can create a section structure using actual sections and then just add fragments to them instead. They in effect become brochure page sections you could say. As it's just one page, you could manually code it onto the end of a brochure page menu and for the main section menu, create a true/false variable which is set to true as standard, which you set to false on the section in question and then via a blockif on the menu listing, set it so that sections only appear if the new variable ('showInMenu' for example) is set to true. As it's set to false it would not show, but would still exist of course, linked to by the manual link you added.


      Theres a tutorial teaching you how to split section listings up - - if you can understand that, then you can use that knowledge to do what i suggested.


        Thanks Lee. This could be the way forward but in the menu on the RHS of the screen I would prefer to have this new "Section" listed with the other brochure pages rather than in the product listings.
        John Legg
        The Debug Store



          That's exactly what I explained?


            Originally posted by johngwms View Post
            I would prefer to have this new "Section" listed with the other brochure pages rather than in the product listings.
            Originally posted by leehack View Post
            create a true/false variable which is set to true as standard, which you set to false on the section in question and then via a blockif on the menu listing, set it so that sections only appear if the new variable ('showInMenu' for example) is set to true. As it's set to false it would not show, but would still exist of course, linked to by the manual link you added.
            This is the part Lee is referring to. Depending on your site navigation you may need some additional trickery to get the section pages to show with the brochure pages.

            It may be simpler to hard code the links into the brochure layout list and wrap them with a ListIndex == 1 so they only show the 1 time.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

