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help modifying product page

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    help modifying product page

    hello all

    i am trying to alter our product page. i have added some additional elements and managed to move our "addd to cart" underneath the quantity box

    can someone help with the following (sorry but my html skills / knowledge are extremelly limited)

    1. we want the small table on the right to move further to the right and a bit down (i do not think i can move it further to the right but i would appreciate any input)
    2. i want the rrp and the saving bit to go onto two lines. i tried to separate the echo bit into two lines (two echo statements) but that did not work.
    3. i want the product description to start underneath the image and not be so close to the buy button

    and before i forget the page i am talking about is this one

    any help will be much appreciated

    Attach your product layout as a text file so we can see what you're currently using.


      OK here are some pointers (running blind without layout). TAKE SNAPSHOT FIRST!!!!!

      1. we want the small table on the right to move further to the right and a bit down (i do not think i can move it further to the right but i would appreciate any input)
      Looks like you have product list width set to 500. This can be changed in Site Options>Layout>Product>Width of Product List. This will increase width of overall product layout.

      To move table down 20 pixels, after ProductName find
      <div style="float: right;">
      and replace with
      <div style="float: right; margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px;">
      2. i want the rrp and the saving bit to go onto two lines. i tried to separate the echo bit into two lines (two echo statements) but that did not work.
      After rrp line add
      echo '<br/>';
      This is "newline".

      3. i want the product description to start underneath the image and not be so close to the buy button
      Immediately before above ProductDesciption add
      <br clear="all">
      If you have problems, restore snapshot and get professional help!

      Good luck.
      Alan Johnson

      Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
      Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


        thanks Alan

        it has worked

        i think i need different kind of professional help since i started with actinic

