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Products Disappeared When SubSections moved

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    Products Disappeared When SubSections moved

    Can anyone advise as to how i have managed to loose numerous products from 4 different sub-sections (all within 1 main section) when all I was doing was manouvering them around into a different order.

    I didn't realise the products had gone, uploaded my site and then backed up to memory stick and lost my previous back up, so my only thing to do is re-create these missing products.

    Just wondering what could have happened so it doesn't happen again in the future. If I had actually 'cut' the subsections then the titles of the sub sections would have gone too presumably - but the names are there with nothing in them.

    Can't find the products in any other section (just in case I had dragged and dropped them somewhere else - but obviously not the case.)

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Yes I would like to know this too. I was moving sections around and lost everything below that section....mouse nearly went out the window. Just as well i take snapshots before any section editing!
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      Do a search on keyphrases such as "lost products" - there are plenty of others who have experienced the same

      I didn't realise the products had gone, uploaded my site and then backed up to memory stick and lost my previous back up, so my only thing to do is re-create these missing products.
      one backup is noe enough. you should create a snapshot using sitename-time-date.acd as naming convention and only delete previous snapshots when you need to recover the disk space they occupy.

      Actinic has a very sneaky habit of needing to be restored from backup snapshot as you often dont notice that it has done something nasty immediately - thus a problem can be in the latest few snapshots and the only way to get back to sanity might be a week or two week old snapshot.

      Old snapshots for templates/products etc can be merge with latest bum snapshot for orders.


        At least I know it is not just me - fortunately I only lost about 50 products - just inconvenient for me - some have lost over 1000 products. OMG

        Does this mean it is better not not to move sections around - or is it just one of those things that happens now an again and other times you don't lose them.

        Is there another way of re-ordering sections without the possibility of losing products

        I will certainly keep more than one back up in the future.



          Does this mean it is better not not to move sections around - or is it just one of those things that happens now an again and other times you don't lose them.
          take a snapshot, save it as unique ID, move sections around - dont do anything else.

          if you loose products restore from snapshot


            I think most of this have experienced this - it's a heart stopping moment, but hopefully you only experience it once before you learn a few tricks.

            We only have a move about immediately after a snapshot. Only move one sub-section at a time, not a whole section. Compact the database after you've finished moving.

            If you do lose a sub-section, do a CTRL+F search for a product code that you know was in that sub-section. I've had this happen in the past where I think it's been lost, but in fact actinic has just dumped it somewhere else during it's moment of terror.

            As Jo says - back up - back up - back up.


              Originally posted by oldhasbeen View Post
              actinic has just dumped it somewhere else during it's moment of terror
              this made me chuckle!
              Thanks, Helen!


                I have a theory that it’s something to do with the Windows paste buffer which Actinic uses to move products around; internally Actinic appears to be cutting-and pasting sections one at a time, in order to do the move. The only time I’ve lost products this way, I was trying to do something else at the same time that involved cutting and pasting. Hence it’s a possibility that the paste buffer got messed up.

