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Contact Us Page - Cropped Message Body

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    Contact Us Page - Cropped Message Body


    I don't know if this has just started happening or always happened but I've found that messages sent to us through the contact us page are not being received correctly.

    It appears that the first 250 or so characters and last 170 characters (including spaces) are being run together into one long sentence with the text in the middle being missed out completely! I've tested this on various formats including long sentences and multiple short sentences and the result is the same. Everything appears fine on the contact us input page - it's just the email I receive that's not right.

    Has anyone come across this sort of problem before? I've searched the forums and found nothing about message length restrictions etc.

    **** Just noticed that this only seems to happen when there are multiple sets of (brackets) in the message body - and it is not restricted to missing the middle - sometimes the end of the message disappears completely ****

    Thanks for any help.

    Last edited by DavidAM; 21-May-2009, 03:38 PM. Reason: Updated Info