This following problem seems to be baffling Actinic and MoleEnd folk, and I was wondering if anyone here has or is experiencing the same problems as we are?
We have the multi user version of Actinic V.9.0.3 running on Windows exchange server 2003 and we have five sites, we use the MoleEnd OneStop Automation to help us with the downloads and to keep the stock levels updated.
When Actinic is closing (not every time - tis annoyingly random) the program seems to freeze and an empty error box pops up, which stops actinic from closing completely
And thus stops the MoleEnd Automation from continuing as it keeps trying to open another instance of actinic. So if it happens at night I have hundreds of these message boxes to close.
I can sort this problem out during the day but at night/weekends this is a major problem as orders are piling up and the stock levels are not being updated. We have just (last week) updated Brolliesgalore (BRG) to V.9 from V.7 and since we included it, this error has been happening more frequently - for example today its happened 7 or 8 times.
Now I don't think the problem is with the MoleEnd Plugin as the mystery empty error box sometimes comes up when you are manually exiting Actinic, and seems to only affect the larger sites... BRG being our largest site does not seem to be closing down smoothly and we are getting a failed message on the automation, but this again just seems to come up when actinic is trying to close.
Is there anyone having the same problem?
Is there anyone who had this problem and solved it?
Anyone got any clues as to what may be causing it?
From a Puzzled Christine
This following problem seems to be baffling Actinic and MoleEnd folk, and I was wondering if anyone here has or is experiencing the same problems as we are?
We have the multi user version of Actinic V.9.0.3 running on Windows exchange server 2003 and we have five sites, we use the MoleEnd OneStop Automation to help us with the downloads and to keep the stock levels updated.
When Actinic is closing (not every time - tis annoyingly random) the program seems to freeze and an empty error box pops up, which stops actinic from closing completely
And thus stops the MoleEnd Automation from continuing as it keeps trying to open another instance of actinic. So if it happens at night I have hundreds of these message boxes to close.
I can sort this problem out during the day but at night/weekends this is a major problem as orders are piling up and the stock levels are not being updated. We have just (last week) updated Brolliesgalore (BRG) to V.9 from V.7 and since we included it, this error has been happening more frequently - for example today its happened 7 or 8 times.
Now I don't think the problem is with the MoleEnd Plugin as the mystery empty error box sometimes comes up when you are manually exiting Actinic, and seems to only affect the larger sites... BRG being our largest site does not seem to be closing down smoothly and we are getting a failed message on the automation, but this again just seems to come up when actinic is trying to close.
Is there anyone having the same problem?
Is there anyone who had this problem and solved it?
Anyone got any clues as to what may be causing it?
From a Puzzled Christine
