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Strange goings on with catalog home page

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    Strange goings on with catalog home page

    Hey all,

    I've set my Home Page Link to none, in the Design Options in A8 Designer. When I do an offline preview of my site, it looks fine and correct, however on posting it to my server, I'm getting the following result:

    It's not showing the menu bar and it's showing some > symbols. I'm completely stumped as to why this would be occurring. My other pages are looking correct:

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can start tracking this bug down?

    I also have a second question. This page:

    is a Section and this:

    is a sub section page. I'm trying to get the name of it's parent section within the template. Can anyone give me any pointers on how I could do this?

    Many thanks,


    I got the exact same problem and I managed to fix it - but I'll be damned if I can remember how. I'm going to Subscribe to this thread in the hope a designer comes along and posts the solution. My issue was the exact same as yours - look at your source code and you'll see it's also a mess with no Actinic-generated variables showing as they do in the offline preview.

    Good luck


      Not sure how the "> got there but use firebug and you can soon see where they are appearing in your code.
      Online Shop at:


        Originally posted by OllyBug View Post
        Not sure how the "> got there but use firebug and you can soon see where they are appearing in your code.
        This isn't the problem, the problem is with Actinic not generating the variables it should - just check the source code, <meta description="MetaDescription">, <title>PageTitle</title> - in red writing (with Firefox), so is more a problem with Actinic generating the content than coding errors.

        How did I forget the fix, it p*ssed me off for days until I fixed it!


          I've also seen this happen after upgrading a couple of sites and never pinpointed what resolved it.

          I tried changing the outer layout, saving and uploading - then changing the outer layout back, saving and uploading again - that seemed to fix it IIRC.


            Yep. Changed the main template a little, saved it and regenerated the site and bingo. Works now.


              I'm still a little stuck on the "Parent ID" or "Parent Name" field. Is this possible at all?


                Take a look at ParentSectionListBottom and UpALevelPageURL you might be able to use those to do what you want.


                  Looking back at the old snapshot, I can see I copied all the html files I had from the desktop (which included the html files/css/images) into the site1 folder. I then opened the index.html file and opened with Dreamweaver, then registered the design with Actinic again - if I remember correctly this is how I fixed it.

                  Out of interest did you create the design from scratch in Actinic or import from Dreamweaver?


                    I created it in Dreamweaver or at least added the Actinic variables in dreamweaver and registered it in dreamweaver. But since then have been using Actinic to do my editing.

                    All seems to be working now anyway, just trying to tackle this parent stuff!


                      ermmm i get a 404 page not found for the link you posted at the start


                        Originally posted by Welly View Post
                        I created it in Dreamweaver or at least added the Actinic variables in dreamweaver and registered it in dreamweaver. But since then have been using Actinic to do my editing.

                        All seems to be working now anyway, just trying to tackle this parent stuff!
                        Yep - must be a problem in Dreamweaver/Actinic somewhere if we both had the same problem by doing it this way. I got the html/css files, opened in Dreamweaver then registered the design - then went straight into Actinic and started developing from there, no point using Dreamweaver because adding layouts/variables/conditions is so much easier in Actinic.

                        Good luck with the rest of the design


                          Oh I figured a bit more out about this. it's at

                          Had a look at the ParentSectionListBottom and UpALevelPageURL variables/layouts and it doesn't look like they're going to do what I'm trying to do, which is basically:

                          Repeat the brown title (Shrubs) in in it's child areas ( and for example).

                          The brown Shrubs title is basically a background-image style for an h2 element, which I'm giving a class that contains the Shrub SectionID. Just can't figure out how to get that Shrub SectionID into it's children. I seems to be impossible.


                            Another option would be to use a custom variable. Set this at the parent section level to the section name and let it cascade down to the child sections. You could then use this in the layout.


                              Originally posted by drounding View Post
                              Another option would be to use a custom variable. Set this at the parent section level to the section name and let it cascade down to the child sections. You could then use this in the layout.
                              Many thanks for the tip. I'll have a look into this, I might be back asking how it's done But I'll try figure it out myself!

