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Jumping to products

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    Jumping to products

    Got a problem whereby when you select a product in the content tree (in business v9) it takes you to the correct page in the preview window but it doesn't jump to the product like it's supposed to. I've tried re-installing and also did a compact and repair but neither have resolved the problem. As some pages list rather a lot of products it's now taking an age to preview certain products in the preview window as we have to manually scroll down and find them.

    Has anyone come across this since upgrading to v9 and, if so, any suggested solutions?

    It's been mentioned a fair bit, actually.
    My V9 installation is the same.
    It's only while I've been working on a client's V8 site this week that I've noticed how useful it is when it DOES jump to the highlighted product (as my V8 installation DOES do it!)
    I recall a few threads about the problem in V9, in the past but I'm not sure if anyone gave a reason/solution. Certainly nothing I tried has worked.


      I think I've now got the solution to this problem. I sent a snapshot to Actinic support and here's what they said back to me, which works a treat!!!

      In Actinic click 'Design' then 'Library'
      In the Layouts tab scroll down to 'Web Page Outer Layout' and expand the menu
      Select 'Act_Primary (Upgraded)' by double clicking on it
      Before the <HTML> tag on about line 3 there are a couple of lines of code, one is a comment line and the other is a reference to 'DOCTYPE HTML' etc. You need to replace both of these lines with the following code:

      <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

      Then click Apply and Ok and test your catalog by selecting a product in your content tree. The page preview should display the info for that particular product. Problem solved!!

      Apparently this issue is caused only when upgrading a site to v9. Sites that were built from scratch in v9 shouldn't be affected. For some reason, although the name of the 'Act_Primary' layout has '(Upgraded)' in its name, the first couple of lines of code aren't being updated during an upgrade and it's this that's causing the problems jumping to specific products.


        Thanks, Stuart, I'll try that when my upload finishes (if it ever does )

        That solution could do with being in the KB, if it isn't already (I haven't looked lately)


          No probs Tracey - let me know if it works for you. It was such a relief when mine started to work again, I cannot begin to tell you!!


            right, this didn't work for me...mainly because that is what my layout already showed!

            When I click on a product, the preview jumps, VERY momentarily (a quick flash!), to the correct product and then reverts back to the top again.
            It's more obvious if I'm switching pages. You get a glimpse of the highlighted product and then it jumps to the top of the page. If I do it within the page already previewed, you really don't even see it, it's that fast.

            Certainly didn't fix it for me though


              Are you using v9.0.4 Tracey? How about temporarily reverting back to the original Act_Primary file from the 'original' folder within the Actinic v9 folder? See if that does anything?

              Other than that I read somewhere that if you add some custom HTML, such as references to flash movies, with code in your layout to display certain things, this is what can often cause this to happen.

              If all else fails I'd recommend you give support a call and see if they'll take a snapshot from you and take a look at it. They may be able to spot something else in your code that is causing it to malfunction.

              I'd certainly try reverting to the original layout file first though to see if that does anything.


                I'll have a look and see
                I am using 9.0.4, yes. It's never worked since upgrading from V8 to V9 though.
                Will look at the layouts. There's nothing untoward in there though re. scripts/code etc
                It's not high priority..bigger bugs to fry

                EDITTED TO SAY : Actually, it never worked in V8 either for this site. Interestingly, it does for another site I'm working on though so I'm going to do some comparing.
                The working site wasn't an upgrade from V7, however, it's a new site. The non-working site WAS upgraded from V7.
                Will have a quick compare and see what I can find.
                V8 will 'stick' to a product when I first switch from a different page but clicking around products on that page after that result in the usual 'stay at the top' syndrome.


                  re. reverting.
                  There isn't anything to revert to
                  Design Library shows no 'previous versions' and there aren't any files (like the old V7 template system) to compare against/revert to in the V9 folders.


                    I sussed it!!!

                    right, the actual problem wasn't the DocType itself, mine was as it should be, but the commented out code that preceded it!

                    I just deleted the code

                    <!--Primary HTML Begin -->

                    and now EVERYTHING jumps to the products highlighted.

                    Seriously, for anyone having this problem, try it and see!!


                      My post said replace both lines that appear before the <HTML> tag too! What are you like!!

                      Anyway well done Tracey - it's such a relief when it's fixed isn't it. Some of our sections have loads of products in them so to not have the jump to product thing working has been a nightmare since upgrading.


               you said 'both lines' but you copied 2 lines into your post so I thought that was the 'both', IYSWIM
                        There was no mention of removing a line and what, specifically, it was

                        Sheesh...can't get the staff nowadays hehe


                          Haha - ok my post wasn't 100% clear, i'll give you that one!

                          For all those needing to fix this problem in future you need to remove this line of code completely, from the very first line of the html code:

                          <!--Primary HTML Begin -->

                          Then, replace the second line of code with this:

                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

                          That should solve your problem.


                            Originally posted by stualk View Post

                            Apparently this issue is caused only when upgrading a site to v9. Sites that were built from scratch in v9 shouldn't be affected. For some reason, although the name of the 'Act_Primary' layout has '(Upgraded)' in its name, the first couple of lines of code aren't being updated during an upgrade and it's this that's causing the problems jumping to specific products.

                            I do not want to sound rude but this was my opinion, I was guessing it was not updating the layout.
                            Sorry, just had to correct you there
                            Actinic Technical Support

