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FTP and SMTP errors!

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    So it happens with different PCs/ISPs on your usual Actinic host.

    And it happens with different hosts with your usual PC, or is it always the same host but different servers?

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


      Sounds like some issue with the clients ISP.


        Originally posted by Mark H View Post
        So it happens with different PCs/ISPs on your usual Actinic host.

        And it happens with different hosts with your usual PC, or is it always the same host but different servers?
        From my PC I can connect to the host server fine but from the client's PC (with Actinic on) they can't cannot between 4PM and 7AM (give or take). From 7AM to 4PM uploads work fine but something seems to be kicking in which is blocking uploads.

        I've tested connecting to the host server from my PC and it work @ all times, ruling out a server problem.
        The server firewall isn't blocking their IP address.
        They can't access any hosting server from 4PM to 7AM (be it the one with their site on or totally unconnected ones) so it must be a local problem.
        I called their ISP and they don't have any kind of port 21 (FTP) blocking/throttling in place.


          Originally posted by drounding View Post
          Sounds like some issue with the clients ISP.
          According to the ISP (Plusnet) they aren't blocking/throttling port 21 (as far as the call guy knew). It must be though, I can't for the life of me think of anything else. I've made sure that their firewall/antivirus (Mcafee) is allowing Actinic/Onestop Automation full access, so I don't think it's that (especially given that the problem continued to ocurred once it was uninstalled!).


            one thought occurs (sorry to but in I usually lurk quietly and let other Actinic staff post, but its cracker jack time and this may help before the weekend)

            on one of my routers (a linksys as it happens) I can set policies that restrict access to certain sites, IP's or protocols for times of the day - its intended to stop the kids surfing Club Penguin when they should be doing their homework

            Anyway it would be worth checking something silly like this isn't enabled (somehow) on your router
            Steve Wardell
            Operations Director


              I think that's a distinct possiblity - as well as the hardware firewall (router) I think some software firewalls (ie internet security packages) can do this as well.

              Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                Are you sure the monthly download limit has not been reached (you can login and check).
                I am with PlusNet and when I hit the limit a few months back the download speed was restricted but FTP was completely disabled.

                What PlusNet package is being used.
                Darren Guppy
                Golf Tee Warehouse
                Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                  Originally posted by swardell View Post
                  one thought occurs (sorry to but in I usually lurk quietly and let other Actinic staff post, but its cracker jack time and this may help before the weekend)

                  on one of my routers (a linksys as it happens) I can set policies that restrict access to certain sites, IP's or protocols for times of the day - its intended to stop the kids surfing Club Penguin when they should be doing their homework

                  Anyway it would be worth checking something silly like this isn't enabled (somehow) on your router
                  Originally posted by Mark H View Post
                  I think that's a distinct possiblity - as well as the hardware firewall (router) I think some software firewalls (ie internet security packages) can do this as well.
                  Client's Belkin router had the firewall enabled, I disabled it and rebooted the router but the same FTP upload problem occurs. I also went into the client's Plusnet online "My Account" area and that had some connection settings and some kind of firewall was enabled in there too, but again, when disabled the problem still occurs.

                  Originally posted by Golf Tee Warehouse View Post
                  Are you sure the monthly download limit has not been reached (you can login and check).
                  I am with PlusNet and when I hit the limit a few months back the download speed was restricted but FTP was completely disabled.

                  What PlusNet package is being used.
                  The client has used around 2 to 4GB monthly bandwidth per month in the last 3 months but so far this month (according to the online My Account Plusnet thing) they've used 17GB with almost 10GB of the being on FTP. I also noticed Plusnets peak hours are 4PM (exactly when the problems start) to midnight but the client rang and were told they had no download limit on their package. They're on the an old package called Plusnet Broadband Plus 8MB.


                    Well I've just done an upload without any problems so I'm pretty sure it's Plusnet's throttling/blocking because the problems are occurring @ 4PM to midnight which is exactly what Plusnet classes as peak times. It ties in with what Green Tee posted earlier.


                      Originally posted by wsi View Post
                      The client has used around 2 to 4GB monthly bandwidth per month in the last 3 months but so far this month (according to the online My Account Plusnet thing) they've used 17GB with almost 10GB of the being on FTP. I also noticed Plusnets peak hours are 4PM (exactly when the problems start) to midnight but the client rang and were told they had no download limit on their package. They're on the an old package called Plusnet Broadband Plus 8MB.
                      Strange, the 'father in law' uses Plusnet and had bandwidth issues (I can only assume the students living opposite were taking advantage of his unsecured wireless network) earlier this year, Plusnet said he had used more than his 'fair usage' and then proceeded to bill him for the extra bandwidth used that month. Needless to say, the hardware they provided is like a dial-up modem, get a Netgear and the connection speeds rocket. Probably nothing to do with your problem though.


                        Can you perhaps plug in a 3G modem and test on that after 4pm to see if FTP works?
                        You could also plug the PC directly into the modem to eliminate the router for a test.

                        A combination of those two tests should point to either PC, router or ISP.


                          For imformation about PlusNet legacy accounts the link below is useful:


                          Broadband Plus Traffic Shaping

                          Although there is no official usage cap, the product is designed for up to 4 GB of peak time time usage.

                          If you go over this usage, downloads and surfing will get progressively slower until the start of your next billing month when your usage is reset.
                          Go over 10GB peak and your line speed will be reduced to 128kbps.

                          Off peak usage is not so heavily shaped, but as a guideline a maximum of 50GB is recommended.
                          When does the customers next billing cycle start, as if there is any block on the FTP usage it will be lifted at the next billing date.
                          Darren Guppy
                          Golf Tee Warehouse
                          Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                            Thanks for everyones posts. Pretty much wrapped the issue up now. The client called Plusnet again and were told by someone else that they had in fact reached their download limit. They've upgraded to an "unlimited" (with limits!) package with Plusnet so hopefully that'll ensure they're not throttled in the future.

