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Displaying RRP and 'our price'

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    Displaying RRP and 'our price'

    I've not had too much time to familiarise myself with the features of v9 just yet but is it possible to display prices as RRP and then beneath display 'Our price' and perhaps give either a percentage saving or a monetary value saved?

    I thought about doing this using the discounts and surcharges feature in v7 and v8 but thought it might be a bit too long-winded. Could this possibly done using the 'cost price' box for the RRP?

    Has anyone done anything similar but in a different way? I'm just trying to entice people to buy by showing how much they save on the RRP.

    there are a few ways to do this, and you'll most likeyl find them with a search fo the forum, or the knwledge base.

    Please, do a search next time!


      Thanks - I had done that but I like to get opinion from people before going ahead with this type of think as there's often a simple/quicker way than even the knowledge base suggests! I've been stung by that two or three times.


        a simple search for rrp would have given alot of answer


          I did this exact thing on my site I even made a post about it but to save some time, here is the code, you will need to make a variable called 'Product RRP' and set it to appear in product and set it to ammount or you could always set it to cost price variable,

          <font color="#FF0000">    
                   RRP: <s>
          £<actinic:variable name="Product RRP" />
          <actinic:block php="true" >
          $rrp = <actinic:variable name="Product RRP" selectable="false" />;
          $rawprice = <actinic:variable name="ProductPriceRaw" selectable="false" />;
          $amountsaved = ($rrp - $rawprice);
          $savepercent = ((($rrp - $rawprice) / $rrp) * 100);
          echo "you save £$amountsaved";
          echo " (".number_format($savepercent,1);
          echo "%)";

          and to see it in practice here is a link


            Cheers Stu

            Sometimes I come on this forum just to see what questions have been asked and the solutions to it. I sometimes get ideas from it. So cheers.

            On another note - on this occassion if you hadn't of asked the question I would have never have put this code on our website. There are so many posts on here asking a simple question for a simple answer which get replied by it's been on here before do a search.....then 3 other people tell you to do the same, probably much quicker to just give you the answer lol. There must be loads of duplicate text on here saying " do a search this topic has already been discussed!"

            So thankyou for the question and thankyou for the answer. I have now put it on my site :-)
            bathroom suites


              Originally posted by click4 View Post
              On another note - on this occassion if you hadn't of asked the question I would have never have put this code on our website. There are so many posts on here asking a simple question for a simple answer which get replied by it's been on here before do a search.....then 3 other people tell you to do the same, probably much quicker to just give you the answer lol.
              Vicious circle I'm afraid Lynne. Some would say it would be much quicker and easier to do a search and find the answer you were looking for is there weren't so many threads asking the same question.

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                Pretty much every time I ask a question on here I get told to do a search for it! I always do a search before I ask - problem is the search results don't necessarily always give you the answer you're looking for.

                It's just a case of almost ignoring the 'try doing a search' comments - especially when my post says "I've done a search but what's the general opinion on the best/easiest method?!"

                I agree Lynne and I do the same (reading posts to see if they're any use to me and my sites)


                  Originally posted by click4 View Post
                  On another note - on this occassion if you hadn't of asked the question I would have never have put this code on our website. There are so many posts on here asking a simple question for a simple answer which get replied by it's been on here before do a search.....then 3 other people tell you to do the same, probably much quicker to just give you the answer lol. There must be loads of duplicate text on here saying " do a search this topic has already been discussed!"

                  I even posted the link to the thread

                  The problem is people post the same questions so you end up with lots of threads with a different spin on it, if the forum was moderated better then they could be merged. Perhaps this would make things easier for users.

                  But this is the same old story and could be dragged up time and time again, if the half the people that posted about a repeated subject actually did do a search in the first place we would probably not be having this discussion.



                    Can see why you call yourself 'Grumpy Arse', Darren!


                      Originally posted by stualk View Post
                      Can see why you call yourself 'Grumpy Arse', Darren!
                      When i 1st came here i was the happiest person around - take this as a warning or what can happen


                        Excellent posting - first time I have got the RRP and You Save to work correctly. Can I suggest the following slight change


                        echo "you save £$amountsaved";


                        echo "you save £".number_format($amountsaved,2);

                        This will show all the pence e.g. £8.50 instead of £8.5



                          ah ha i wondered if it was possible, luckly my rrp's all .99 and my actuals are all .95 so i dont loose the last digit.

                          I have not tested it


                            Originally posted by markburley View Post
                            Excellent posting - first time I have got the RRP and You Save to work correctly. Can I suggest the following slight change


                            echo "you save £$amountsaved";


                            echo "you save £".number_format($amountsaved,2);

                            This will show all the pence e.g. £8.50 instead of £8.5

                            Also where I have made the rrp a RRP variable you could actually set it to be the "Cost Price" variable then in your product next to where it has the real price there is a cost price field you could then type the rrp in there


                              firstly, good answers in this post. 5 star on helpful tbh.

                              secondly, there are around 2,270 posts relating to 'search the forum' on this forum

                              Thought I'd search that one myself rather than ask lol
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