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SQL via ODBC 5.1 crashes Actinic - Please Help

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    SQL via ODBC 5.1 crashes Actinic - Please Help

    We have recently converted our entire inventory to a working SQL database on an external server that can be accessed both internally (on the server) via phpMyAdmin, and externally via the MySQL 5.1 ODBC connector. We were previously using Excel so this is definitely a step in the right direction as our inventory expands.

    However, when I go to File > External Links > Browse > SQL database via ODBC > Machine Data Source then select the source (connection test successful), and click OK, I get the following error every time:

    "Actinic has encountered a problem, and has closed. You will need to restart it. Details of the problem have been saved to a *.dmp file......" etc.

    This causes Actinic to crash. So far I have tried reducing and emptying the SQL database, but even with an empty database it still crashes in the same way. The .dmp file is full of what seems like random characters and I can't seem to find any useful information from it.

    I've tried exporting and importing with a slightly older release of Actinic on a completely separate machine, but the same thing happens (I'm using v9). Without detailed error information it is very hard to debug, and I haven't managed to find what the cause of the problem could be from any other posts in the forum.

    Has anyone got any ideas why this is happening and possible fixes?



    Just a quick update - I have managed to get this working with the MySQL ODBC Connector 3.51. Perhaps 5.1 is still in its early stages or does Actinic not support it altogether?

    It would be interesting to hear if anyone has got 5.1 to work with Actinic...

