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Product References Not Accepted - Asked to Auto Generate

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    Product References Not Accepted - Asked to Auto Generate

    Anybody come across this?

    For certain product references - notably only those of 5 digits starting with 3 but this could be coincidence - I am being asked to auto-generate a product code as that code already exists - even though it is not one of my products. Adding a letter afterwards bypasses this (eg 30181A).

    I have a separate database of product codes and have also checked the product stock list in Actinic and these codes definitely do not exist as a product. In Access these codes do exist in the product list but for products which should have other references. Dont want to mess around in the database though, so thought it best to ask if there are certain codes which are being used for other uses in Actinic?

    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.

    The refs must exist somewhere if Actinic is saying they already exist - suffixing with an "a" creates a unique reference.

    It sounds like at some point the database has become borked - have you tried and compact database operation recently? There is also the repair tool in Access that performs an similar task.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

