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Permutation out of stock

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    Permutation out of stock


    I have products with 2 permutations to choose size && colour.

    I have set up hidden stock items for each combination and added each of the stock items to its relevent permutation.

    Automatic stock monitoring is not disabled.
    Stock monitoring for the main product is not enabled.
    I have stock monitoring switched on for each hidden product.

    I have set a few of the hidden products to stock levels of 0 but :

    1. The stock option is still showing in the drop down list
    2. Ordering of the particular size/colour is still possible on the site

    I have little hair left. Has anyone set this up before when there is more than one permutation.

    If there is a guide for this then I will happily work through it but cannot find any information.

    I've wasted another half day on this, any help would be extremely welcome.


    Originally posted by greyhound View Post
    Stock monitoring for the main product is not enabled.
    What happens if the main product has stock monitoring enabled?
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      how are your combined options displayed?
      Is your dropdown showing all possible combinations of the 2 choices in one dropdown or are they shown in 2?


        Check the settings for your out of stock values as well (ie what stock level makes them go out of stock) - I've checked the scenario you have specified and it does seem to be correct, on my test site, the items are shown but an error is displayed if you try to order them.

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          Thankyou for your input.

          Issue solved in some part.

          If there is no stock then the user is informed on the bounce page - the more intelligent way would be for the item to simply be removed from the drop down list thus saving the user :

          1. Choosing size
          2. Choosing colour
          3. Clicking add to cart
          4. Getting bounced
          5. Having to click again to go back to the page

          Crazy!!!! They will have left the site by then and bought a product from another vendor.

          Does anyone know of a user guide anywhere explaining how removing a product (that has two permutation select boxes - size/colour) can be accomplished?

          Thanks again.


            I've finally given up. Actinic has beaten me.

            As my options are size and colour, ie. 2 permutations, I cannot see how Acticrap can handle it.

            I'm going to get some different software with decent support and something that was conceived within the last 10 years so I can benefit from :

            1. Online database
            2. Crazy ideas like stock monitoring (one that doesnt require fudges, yet another 3rd party purchase and me having to add in 50 hidden products to stop someone from ordering it) Oh! I forgot, cannot do that unless I manually update the site or download orders and upload the site again.

            Ps, Actinic: Can you stop sending me invoices for software licenses I havent even ordered.

            Bah humbug.


              Lee knows all about this hidden products for options stuff - maybe if he sees this thread he may offer to show how he has achieved this.


                Thankyou Grant.


                  I'm not sure it can be done the way you want, even with some kind of active scripting (i.e. javascript).

                  I half remember seeing something in the past but can't remember if it was quite the same thing or not. I can remember looking at two stage javascript drop downs but can't remember if there was a way for the javascript to see the stock situation or not. Norman would be the expert in this but he's not around so much anymore.

                  Essentially, you need the javascript for the second drop down to look at the size selected in the first one and then show only the available colours.

                  There must be a thread on this somewhere. Anyone able to find it?


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