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Postcode Anywhere - County

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    Postcode Anywhere - County


    I've been having a fight with Postcode Anywhere tonight, as it is almost working right but just not quite (which is very frustrating!)

    It is filling in the street name and town/city no problem, but is not filling in the county. In Format Settings on Postcode Anywhere I have left this as 'Default County' which it recommends, and I have changed our County field within Actinic so it is now INVOICEADDRESS4

    I did a bit of snooping for other actinic sites using this, and they appear to be doing the same - but theirs works and mines doesn't

    So if anyone has any tips or suggestions it would be really appreciated!!! You can have a look at it on our site at then going to the invoice address page on our checkout.


    Located: Cheshire, UK

    Have you mapped the field on your form to the default country in postcodeanywhere?

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Hi Jan,

      No I don't think I have - or at least I haven't seen any setting which is like that. Is that something I need to do in Postcode Anywhere? And did you mean County rather than Country?

      I just followed the helpful instructions on your site for setting up our v8 with Postcode Anywhere. If you could let me know where to look for this setting though then that would be great.


      Located: Cheshire, UK


        Jan - thank you again!

        Your clue of manually checking the mappings did it for me - when we had set it up I had just let the software automatically set them up for me, but I found the 'Reset All Mappings' button which then let me manually link each Actinic Form component with their Street address components.

        So thank you!!!

        Located: Cheshire, UK

