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Javascript turned off

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    Javascript turned off

    Could someone tell me why, when javascript is turned off then you can not proceed to the checkout? I have tried this in several web sites just to make sure it was not just my web site.
    Robin Antill - Fan of Actinic. My Site 1st Choice Leisure Buildings

    I think js is used to save the referring page which is required by the checkout.


      Hi Duncan,
      So Actinic can not be used by anyone with Javascript turned off? I don't suppose it is a great deal of people who surf with JS turned off but it does seem strange. Also I always assumed anyone would be able to buy online.
      Is there any way around this? other than displaying a notice on the web site.
      Robin Antill - Fan of Actinic. My Site 1st Choice Leisure Buildings


        I don't believe there's a way around this.
        It is very rare that anyone browses with js switched off now. You can as you say add a message to that effect if you wish.

        I think that those who might browse without it are probably not going to understand what javascript is mind never mind how to enable it in their web browser though.


          There was a recent thread a couple of months ago about the use of Javascript, which discussed the need for Javascript on an Actinic site, Javascript-use statistics, etc.

          I have searched around and can't seem to find it anymore


            Thanks guys.
            Robin Antill - Fan of Actinic. My Site 1st Choice Leisure Buildings


              A *lot* of websites would fail if JS was turned off in the browser, espically with the Ajaxifying trend that is going on now. That said, I'm sure some people do browse without it switched on, but as mentioned, I reckon that would be a small amount.
              KDM Digital Media - Actinic web design and hosting


                Could someone tell me why, when javascript is turned off then you can not proceed to the checkout?
                You need to explain further because actinic sites will operate without javascript. What's the site and what's the problem?


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  You can see on this page
         what happens. You will need to turn Javascript off and you will find you can not proceed to the checkout. This happens on other peoples sites as well as I wanted to make sure it was not just my site.
                  I went to this site and it would not go through to checkout however on this site
         it did go through to the checkout so I am even more puzzled.

                  The only reason I tried with Javascript turned off is because my menu relies on Javascript to work so I needed to provide an alternative with JS turned off.
                  Robin Antill - Fan of Actinic. My Site 1st Choice Leisure Buildings


                    The problem appears to be with the bounce page to the SSL checkout.

                    I guess this isn't too surprising as they're probably using Javascript to do the redirect. In my opinion this is a bug and should be fixed. It's been around a long time as it's on my V6 as well.

                    It's laziness by one of actinic's coders as they know it's supposed to work without javscript. It should be easy to fix as I suspect something as simple as a message saying "If not automatically redirected to our secure checkout pages please click here" with a link to the SSL page will fix it.

                    If the checkout doesn't use SSL then I don't think this should be an issue (but it might also be worth checking the payment bounce pages).

                    I'll have to take a look into this.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      The only noticeable difference I see between the three is that that the first two have SSL on the checkout pages. Fancystuff however does not.

                      Try it will SSL disabled and see if makes a difference.


                        OK. The SSL bounce page is created in the shopping cart script.

                        So, to fix this:

                        1. Open in an html editor.

                        2. Search for "sslbouncepage". Go to the second instance.

                        3. Scroll down the page a bit and you'll find this:
                        $sHTML = "<HTML><HEAD>\n" .
                        "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n" .
                        "<!-- \n" .
                        "function onLoad() {document.Bounce.submit();}\n" .
                        "// -->\n" .
                        "</SCRIPT>\n" .
                        "</HEAD>\n" .
                        "<BODY OnLoad='onLoad();'>\n" .
                        "<FORM NAME='Bounce' METHOD=POST ACTION='$sURL'>\n" .
                        "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='ACTINIC_REFERRER' VALUE='$sReferrer'>\n" .
                        "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='COOKIE' VALUE='$sCookie'>\n" .
                        "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='CARTCOOKIE' VALUE='$sCartCookie'>\n" .
                        "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='SESSIONID' VALUE='$sSessionID'>\n" .
                        "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='DIGEST' VALUE='$sBusinessCookie'>\n" .
                        $sHTMLParams .
                        "<input type='submit' value='Click Here for SSL Checkout'>\n" .
                        "</FORM>\n" .
                        ACTINIC::PrintPage($sHTML, "");
                        The bit in red needs to be added. You can change the 'value' text to say whatever you want.

                        Then save the file and update your website.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          This is a bug that Actinic need to log and fix. It will have affected almost everyone using SSL on checkout for several years and even if it's only 2-4% of visitors that's a lot of lost sales / customers.

                          I have SSL on one of my sites and I've probably been luckier than many because most of my checkout links go straight to the 'os' script rather than via the cart. The handover to SSL happens fine between the first two checkout pages. It's only a problem when the redirect is done via the cart script (used as standard on all actinic sites at the moment).

                          I found some recent stats on javascript usage from that match my current stats of about 4% of visitors having no javascript.

                          JavaScript Statistics
                          There are no absolute trends about the use of JavaScript. Some users have scripting turned off. Some browsers don't support scripting:

                          Date JavaScript On JavaScript Off
                          January 2008 95% 5%
                          January 2007 94% 6%
                          January 2006 90% 10%
                          January 2005 89% 11%
                          January 2004 92% 8%
                          January 2003 89% 11%
                          January 2002 88% 12%
                          January 2001 81% 19%
                          January 2000 80% 20%
                          There is something strange going on as I see two redirects happening. The first one displays the standard "Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click Here" and then it bounces to the SSL bounce page where it gets stuck with a blank screen.

                          Anyway it can be easily fixed and really should be. I've already put the fix live on my site with SSL checkout.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


