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Displaying Delivery and Invoice address in checkout

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    Displaying Delivery and Invoice address in checkout

    I received an email from a customer complaining that they abandoned checkout because they had chosen a different delivery address to the invoice address and hadn't been given the option to double check it before going to the payment section.

    After entering the delivery address the customer is immediately taken to HSBC. Would it be possible to display a page showing both addresses for them to check/ammend?

    Hi Paul,

    You might be able to display the addresses on the payment selection page as all the data is in the actinic session file at this stage.

    You'd probably need to this in the perl scripts as that's where the checkout pages are generated.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike

      I was thinking of putting it on the last checkout page, maybe stripping out the questionaire bit ("how did you find our site?"). Will that also mean playing with perl scripts? (not sure I'm confident enought to tackle that)



        Adding the address(es) into later stages of checkout isn't standard in actinic and will probably need changes to the perl scrips. I haven't looked to see how easy this might be to do.

        Removing the questions is a case of going to 'Design text' > 'Web Site (cont)' > 'General Information' and unticking the 'show' box.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


