I have an intermittent problem when orders are exported from Actinic to Sage. Yes, I know intermittent problems are the worst 
Occasionally the completed payment is not exported, so that it shows in Sage as an invoice but with a payment outstanding. It only happens with offline orders, but not with all of them. When I check the order in Actinic it is always showing a balance of £0.00 and the payment as you would expect.
Has anyone else had this problem and any ideas how to fix it?

Occasionally the completed payment is not exported, so that it shows in Sage as an invoice but with a payment outstanding. It only happens with offline orders, but not with all of them. When I check the order in Actinic it is always showing a balance of £0.00 and the payment as you would expect.
Has anyone else had this problem and any ideas how to fix it?