Sorry Lee, should have been more clearer.. this is to put alongside the individual product price already displayed... so to show that if you bought this item on it's own, the total would be...
Are you shipping by weight? If so then the product weight is available at product level for you to use in an equation showing the relevant cost. i.e. (pseudo code) if weight = 0.25Kg, then cost would be £2.50, if weight = 0.50Kg, then cost would be £3.50.
You will need to create a matrix using blockifs with one blockif per tier in your delivery table. A little time consuming and not great to maintain, but entirely possible. Gabe's tutorials on blockifs should teach you all you need to know about the function of it all, it's then down to html and styling on the page.
Can't help thinking you could be doing things a little simpler and clearer though. Keep delivery costs as simple as possible. Add up your delivery charges for the year, divide it by the number of transactions in the year and you have an average shipping cost. Working on that annual average figure is usually simpler than looking at each sale in isolation.
My personal favourite is a fixed shipping cost of £3.95 on all orders under £x.xx, with free shipping over that amount. With the £x.xx amount being around £15 more than your average order value.