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    Is there any way to include external HTML files in actinic without using either PHP includes or server side includes?

    Can you explain a little further? for download or to show on the page? etc. etc.


      Is it dynamic content that needs to be included as the page is viewed or can it be included on the PC before actinic uploads?


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Yep. On each page I would like to be able to include a file which is particular to that page. So on page1.html I would like to include a file called page1_addition.html on page2.html I would like to include a file called page2_addition.html etc.

        I could do it with a php include <?php include ("page1_addition.html"); ?> etc. But that would require the web server to support PHP and resolve .HTML page extensions as PHP pages and I may not have enough control over the server. so if there was a way to do this directly from within actinic it would be great.


          Actinic can run php on the PC using a blockif and that can include the files before the upload happens.

          <actinic:block php="true" >

          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            You could probably go down the notepad file route defining a file at section level or similar to be included on the page. If it's for inclusion on the page within a normal html page, that should do it fine i'd expect, although guessing somewhat to what you are doing.

            I suspect that standard actinic can do what you want, you seem to have 3 posts all navigating around a similar issue. One post with clear aims would probably help more. Is this about the site nav?


              Originally posted by leehack View Post

              I suspect that standard actinic can do what you want, you seem to have 3 posts all navigating around a similar issue. One post with clear aims would probably help more. Is this about the site nav?
              Sort of right. But past experience tells me, the post would be very long and people switch of rather than read it all, ask three questions in one post and what can happen is everyone chooses to answer the first and not the others.

              What these three posts are aiming at is: I have a preferred method of creating dynamic menus that do not require javascript based on a correctly structured and nested unordered list.

              If actinic can give me such a list for all pages in the catalogue, great, I need go no further and my "includes" question is academic. (although I would still like to know the answer!).

              If Actinic can't I will generate my own lists by accessing the Actinic Access database "ActinicCatalog.mdb" and creating a text file with the structure I need (this is a method I already use for non actinic sites based on an offline access database). But having created the text file I need a means of incorporating it into my actinic site.


                Originally posted by olderscot View Post
                Actinic can run php on the PC using a blockif and that can include the files before the upload happens.

                Am i reading you right. Are you saying Actinic will in effect execute the PHP on your local machine, then incorporate the HTML the php would have produced into the design and then upload the pages to a server that doesn't support PHP (sounds too good to be true). For this to be the case Actinic would need to have a php engine built in.


                  Originally posted by sametch View Post
                  For this to be the case Actinic would need to have a php engine built in.
                  It sure has, all executed on the desktop prior to page upload.


                    What version of PHP?


                      In C:\Program Files\Actinic v9 you will see php5ts.dll - Right-click - Properties - Version



