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Extended Info pages not getting generated

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    Extended Info pages not getting generated

    Having a problem on 9.04. I have created an Extended Info layout to open in the same window and with the same layout as the rest of the site. It seems to work fine. There were a couple of layout issues so I changed the layout code and published to web. The previews in Actinic look fine, but the site files on the server weren't getting changed. I tried a Refresh Website too to no avail. I then tried to delete the files on the server and tried again, but new files were not getting generated. I renamed one of the "Popup Page" page file names in Catalog, and republished the site but the new file never appeared on the server. I also tried deleting the local copies of the files in the site's SiteHTML folder and refreshing...still no joy.

    Does anyone have any advice to save me with?



    Fixed it seems! Sorry - after a day of trying I realised that I accidentally removed the <actinic:variable name="ExtendedInformationLinks" /> ref in my product layout and thus must have killed the association. Thanks!

