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odd <br> tag placement... please help

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    odd <br> tag placement... please help

    Hey guys, we have had our website up for a couple of years now and during a recent move around I noticed that above each section name actinic seems to put a rouge <br/> tag which forces a white space before the section name as such:
    <h1>Abralon Products</h1>
    This appears even tho there are absoloutely NO <br/> tags within that sections source in actinic and the design looks fine within actinic app. As soon as its exported to web and viewed on any browser you see the <br/> tag added. Where has it come from and how do I remove it?
    Simon Dann Ba Hons, MA.

    "The markings of a great platform is it not forcing its users to hack around it, but to progress logically through it" - Anon

    Presumably it's coming from elsewhere on the page. I'd check the login layout and also what's between the login and section code.

    <Actinic:NOWSERVING/><Actinic:CURRACCOUNT/><Actinic:LOGOUT_SIMPLE/><br /><h1>Abralon Products</h1>

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      could it be in this?

      <actinic:variable value="Message for Unregistered Customers" name="UnregCustomerMessage" if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22UnregCustomersAreNotAllowed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" />

      However we dont use registered customers or anything like that so it should be safe to remove from the theme right?
      Simon Dann Ba Hons, MA.

      "The markings of a great platform is it not forcing its users to hack around it, but to progress logically through it" - Anon


        ok this is odd, when i do an offline page preview there is no <br> tag placed there however when its uploaded to the internet it is added... this is odd behaviour.
        Simon Dann Ba Hons, MA.

        "The markings of a great platform is it not forcing its users to hack around it, but to progress logically through it" - Anon

