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Importing Sections & Products

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    Importing Sections & Products

    Hi All.
    I have created a large amount of new sections / Sub Sections and products on my original website but i have now desided to create a new website for these products.

    I dont want to re-write the entre information as this took me 2 whole weeks to do.

    I want to export a Hierarchical file from my current website, delete the products I dont wish to import and inport the Sections and subsections into the new website with the products in the correct section

    I have tried this several times but having problems and cant get the sections to import and the products into them.

    If i delete all the section data and just import the products by giving them a new product code, I just get a long list of products that i would have to manualy in actinic create sections for and drag and drop them into the sections. (This will take a life time)

    I want to be able to import the section tree for these products with the products in each section.

    Dose anyone know how to do this as ive tried all kinds of things and im stumped......

    What's wrong with using a snapshot? keep it simple, sounds like you are over thinking things somewhat.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      What's wrong with using a snapshot? keep it simple, sounds like you are over thinking things somewhat.
      I cant use a snapshot for this.
      The new site is a completly different design and i only want to copy over 1 of the sections.
      Currently i have created a Section for Fragrances in my food website, but on second thoughts I have desided to put all the non food items on a different website for a few reasons.

      I have already designed the new website, and want to import the data file to put in the section, sub sections with all the products in them.

      Surely this must be possible in actinic?
      I dont want to have to sit and enter all that info again.


        Move the images required from the old site into the same position on the new site, then select the section(s) you want to copy, copy them, open up the new site and paste them.

