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Hunt the unwanted images

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    Hunt the unwanted images

    Hi there,

    I've had this problem for ages, but as it's not critical, I never worried about it, but I thought it was about time now.

    Whenever I backup my site I always get loads of errors like this one:
    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file C:\users\phil\documents\Actinic v9\Sites\Site1\brochurebutton1.gif was not found System error 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

    The list of files is:
    • brochurebutton1.gif
    • sitemap1.gif
    • shop1.gif
    • back1.gif
    • info1.gif
    • top1.gif
    • cart1.gif
    • order1.gif
    • sections1.gif
    • login1.gif
    • mail1.gif
    • home1.gif
    • background1.gif

    and then the same again with the number '2' in the name.

    I can confirm that the files aren't there, as I deleted them ages ago. I don't want them.

    However, I cannot find in Actinic where it is referencing them. I have looked in the obvious places. Can someone please tell me where I should be looking?
    Kind regards,
    Phil Benjamin

    Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?

    Site options would be my first place to check and also make sure you are on 904 as this cured some of the bugs experienced in this area. You can check the variables in the library too, see if mentioned in there and maybe the onload statement as well as on the brochure pages that these are used for.


      Oh and the good ole chestnut - additional files.

      If all else fails just create some dummy images called that, put them in the site folder and the errors will disappear.


        This same problem drove me crazy - the image wasn't referenced in the design anymore (sidebar) as I had removed it from the layout and Additional Files - the only fix was to backup the database (ActinicCatalog.mdb in the Site1 folder) and delete the rows which referenced the images in the FileList table of the database. Doesn't seem to have done any harm


          Response so far

          Thanks for the replies so far.
          • I had already checked site options, but I did it again. No reference to the images.
          • I am on 9.04.
          • I went through the whole library of variables (yawn) and found no references to them there.
          • I'm not sure what you mean by the 'on load' statement - could you give me some further guidance for that please?
          • Don't really want to clutter up the filespace with dummy files, though I can see this would work

          This leaves the last suggestion.
          Can you tell me how to edit the database to do this (I dont have access)?
          Kind regards,
          Phil Benjamin

          Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?



            I also did a Windows search on the whole 'Site1' folder for the strings (e.g. cart1, login1) and they aren't there!
            Kind regards,
            Phil Benjamin

            Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


              I had a similar thing with our enlarge button we changed the name from enlarge to zoom, but when ever we made a back-up we were prompted that the enlarge file couldn't be found even though we were not linked anywere in the site.

              We used Microsoft Access to the Actininc database file and search though the various lists until we found that enlarge.gif was still being referenced even though it had been removed in Actininc itself. We removed the path and had no more problems, but i've heard messing with the Actinic database is abit of a minefield so proceed with caution.

              Cheers FrAz
              Cheers FrAz


                You will need MA Access to delve into the database. Always make a backup first.
                However if you've never used Access before then I suggest you leave well alone.

