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Wish List Plugin

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    Wish List Plugin

    I want a Wish List on my actinic website like Amazon. Following is the description:

    Suppose a customer is surfing for products. He/She is interested in the product and goes into its description. In description there will be a button Wish List. On pressing this button instead of adding it to shopping cart it should go into wish list basket.

    Now next day the customer comes into the website and checks its wish basket and the product(s) will be there. This wish basket can be cleared, emailed to any one the customer likes or carry the items in it for checkout


    Not so difficult to do but you'll have to script it yourself or pay someone to do it as actinic doesn't have this feature.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thank you for reply.

      Can you give me an idea how can I do it? like I ll be using php or pearl and where I have to inject it.


        I'd probably do it in PHP, but that's just because I'm more familiar with it than other lanuages.

        The way I'd do it is:

        On the product page:

        - Create a form for the wishlist script.
        - submit the product name and page url to the script when a wishlist button is clicked.

        On the wishlist script:

        - Add the product name and page link to a wishlist cookie.
        - Display a page that shows the wishlist cookie contents (product and page link)
        - Offer some more options such as; 'delete item', 'add item to cart', 'email to a friend'.

        That's pretty much it. You'll need to know how actinic works to make this happen but none of it is too complicated.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


