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Product Sort

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    Product Sort

    As a supplier of art materials we list many hundreds of colours across various ranges. At present we have the colours sorted in colour shade order – yellows first, then oranges and so on. As an example, 'light blue' is higher in the list than ‘cyan’ so I can use the alphabet to sort on. We have a product group for each make of paint and I’ve dragged the products into the correct sort order.

    I've now been asked to create a new mega group containing duplicates of all the oil paints from all the manufacturers. The thinking is that if someone is looking for a particular colour they don't have to plough through half a dozen different makes of paint.

    (I do hope this is making sense so far!)

    Anyway, I'm going to end up with a very large list of colours and I need to figure out a way to sort them all into colour shade.

    I'm wondering if there's a way to put a hidden field or attribute on each product and then get actinic to sort automatically on that? For instance, I'd give all of the Phthalo Greens the sort code of '1', the Sap Greens, ‘2’, etc. and then get the combined mega list to sort on this sort code.

    Many thanks


    I think Normans Sorted Products/Section should do exactly what you are looking for, here is a link

    we use this plugin and I would definatly recommend it


      Many thanks for the info.


