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Changing FTP password having no effect

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    Changing FTP password having no effect


    I have a client who is refusing to pay several invoices for work done, hosting etc. and continues to download orders from the site despite us changing the ftp password on the server, does anyone know why this is?

    We have also refreshed the entire site but still the client is downloading fresh orders. Is there a way to lock him out/ prevent order downloads until he pays for the work done?

    It seems wrong that changing the ftp password does not stop order downloads! are we doing something wrong here?

    Thanks for your time guys

    Sounds like there is more than one FTP account configured.

    A good personal phone call is the best way forward and to understand fully why the client doesn't feel payment is due, but if you've exhausted that and also written a demand then...

    Check your contract and if it's clear cut then remove the site and place a holding page on the domain as well as remove all FTP accounts.

    It might make it harder to get your money though.


      personally i would suspend the site, not mess around if they owe you money tell them that if they dont make payment within x days you will suspend the site.


        Try changing the permissions on

        Actinic uses this for uploading / downloading. It isn't used for running the site.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Thanks for the quick replies gents, much appreciated

          There are no extra ftp accounts, it seems as though Actinic does not use ftp to downlaod orders. Can that be right?

          I think what Olderscot says sounds right and am about to try either changing the permissions as suggested or renaming the file - Thanks for the tip Mike

          Non paying clients are always such a pain, we have made mistakes with this one, mainly letting it go on waaaaaaaay to long before doing anything like this. This guy is now very oddly very arrogant with us saying that he will not stick to the contract and is "choosing" not to pay or negotiate the situation! (he's a pretty odd guy!)

          Anyway, lesson learned is;

          1 Dont let these things drag on, as soon as a client (or partner as this one is) breaches contract, pull the site or at least threaten to do so with a time limit to when the site will be pulled, dont mess about, give an inch and they will take a mile.

          2 Actinic seemingly doesn not use ftp to download orders! does that mean that its not password protected either?? yikes!

          Thanks again guys, ill let you know how this goes



            who has control over the hosting acct, as there is nothing to stop them simply buying new hosting and uploading there. Unless you have the domain registration and client doesn't


              Originally posted by Barry View Post
              2 Actinic seemingly doesn not use ftp to download orders! does that mean that its not password protected either?? yikes!
              See the Web > Security menu, those keys are essential for downloading the orders, they are encrypted (in some way) so that only the machine using that particular key can download the orders.

