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Strange Happenings

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    Strange Happenings

    My shop has been running flawlessly for about six months, no problems whatsoever. Yesterday I tried to retrieve the orders and Actinic froze and the only way to get it going again was to restart. I tried a different PC and got the same problem.

    I've done a refresh and it made no difference. So I then wiped the catalogue and all files off the server and reinstalled the shop.

    I then did 4 test orders with no problem and was able to retrieve them all OK. A couple of hours later I get an order, try to retrieve it and just like before Actinic freezes and the order will not download, again this happens on both PC's. I then wipe the site for a second time, test it with several fake orders and everything works fine. I left it overnight and this morning I can't download the orders again.

    How can this be OK one minute and not the next, it's as though someone is messing with something, somewhere.


    The only time we had this sort of problem was when he had recently upgraded Actinic and there were some bogus orders from the previous version still on the server that stopped the rest of the orders being downloaded.

    Are you covered with Support? They can look at your orders online to see if something is getting stuck. This sort of problem alone (usually site specific) is worth signing up with Actinic Support!

    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


      sounds like something is wrong elsewere, if it happens again try turning off you pc firewall and restarting, also when actinic freezes try unplugging your network lead. actinic should respond pretty quickly with an error, if it does then actinic has not frozen it is just waiting for a response from the server.

      what version are you running


        I think I may have found the problem but why it has happened or how to solve it I have no idea.

        The way I understand it is when you retrieve an order Actinic changes permissions on the .ord files so it can download orders. In my case for some reason Actinic has started changing permissions to 200 which is write only, when it should be changing the permissions to read only.

        I have tried manually changing the permissions to 777 to give full access but as soon as you hit the retrieve button the permissions revert to 200 write only.

        Any ideas please?


          Having a 200 permission on the .ord file is not your issue as that is correct and how the order file should be numbered up. Also check if the file is owned by you as the correct user maybe?


            File is owned by me? How do I do that?


              Owner is normally the ftp username, so folders in your hosting account which you are allowed to control are owned by you and thus all files beneath should also be owned by you. In an FTP app you should see an owner column.

              It is very rare for the owner to shift, but can occur so just a check to make and tick off.

              Also, assume that you have plenty of storage space left with your host, as another check to tick off.


                Yes the owner is correct I don't have any problem accessing via ftp. Since this problem started I've wiped the catalogue several times and reloaded it with no issues there.

                What I cannot understand is when I have wiped of the store and replaced it I can retrieve at least the first order but subsequent orders will not download.

                I also have plenty of space, checked with 1and1, they blame Actinic.


                  If you have a different PC which you can install actinic and your latest snapshot/site onto, then I would do that and then do a load of orders and downloads and see if you hit the same issue.

                  If you do not hit the same issue and it continues to download, then the issue is in your local you were using, so firewalls and security/privacy settings could be the culprit...

                  Process of elimination I am afraid.


                    Yes we tried a different PC, turning off firewalls, routers etc but the same problem every time.


                      What exact version and title are you using, plus have you upgraded recently and tried the approaches mentioned earlier about starting an order download and then unplugging the network cable to see if that produces a quick error or hang like you are experiencing anyway?


                        I am using version 9 purchased in January 2009. Since installing it I have downloaded orders with no problems until 2 days ago. The site has not been changed in any way for the last 2 months.

                        When I click the retreive orders button I get the usual box "retreiving orders" then nothing happens, I leave it 10 minutes and nothing. When I click the cancel button it says "not responding" I dont get any other messages, not even when unplugging the network cable. After pressing the cancel button Actinic crashes and the only way out is by ctrl-alt-del and closing Actinic in task manager. This is the same on two different PC's. I can wipe the store completely from the server, re-install it but still the same problem.

