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Permutations and stock quantities

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    Permutations and stock quantities

    Hi there

    I'm not asking about out-of-stock signifiers or symbols or anything (which seems to be all over this forum!) but actually how to achieve something thats likely very easy and that I have in my ignorance completely missed.

    We sell various makes of harmonica that come in various keys (A, B, C, D, E, F etc.). Each key of each make is stock tracked individually. Obviously having an item for every key of every make is silly, so what I want is each make listed with a drop down box for key selection, which then adds just that key to the basket.

    What I have set up (and i'm not entirely sure how i did it in the first place to be honest ) is 'components' where each permutation is linked to an associated product (the harmonicas in each key). The 'C' Harmonica for each make is currently the 'main' product, but it deducts a C harmonica + the key you select regardless of key selection. Do I have to make a 'fake' product to host the others?

    I tried attributes but i can't seem to link to the products for stock deduction.

    Also, on a slight side note, does stock monitoring have anything to do with this? And, what exactly is stock monitoring?

    Thanks very much in advance!
    B&T Music

    In short, create a product for 'harmonica', then go to 'product options' and have a play

    Or you can do it the old fashioned way, create a product for 'harmonica' with stock monitoring disabled, create hidden products for each key with stock enabled, create a component for 'harmonica' with a permutation for each 'key' and then associate each option with the corresponding hidden product


      Hi Ed

      Actinic's in-built help system should be able to answer most of your questions. There are a number of options when you start to add components and attributes that you need to get your head round. V9 also has a neat wizard tool when creating options for a product that actually creates the associated products for you.

      Stock monitoring simply allows you to have a stock level for each product (or products that you choose to enable it on) which is then reduced as orders are processed. You can then set flags to warn you when stock gets below a certain level and / or suspend ordering for a product (effectively marking it as Out of Stock, although you have to upload the website to apply this every time). Again, have a good read through the in-built help.

      For the example you quoted, you should just have a "Harmonica" main product without a key and with stock monitoring disabled. Then all the 'real' harmonicas should be associated hidden products with stock monitoring.
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        Super response - thanks guys!


