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Different price depending on users location

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    Different price depending on users location


    I have a potential project coming up where I was looking to use Actinic, as it is for an online store.

    The client wants a single store, but to show different prices based on the users location within four different global regions (US, Europe, China & Japan). The prices wouldn't just be in their native currency, but would actually be different prices i.e. Japan would normally pay more than US etc.

    I don't know if there is anyway that this could be achieved within Actinic?

    I could utilise something like the following to determine the users IP, but that's really only part of it:
    Web . Design . Multimedia . Branding

    Actinic is not the right product for that IMO, not even close. An online database driven site is an absolute must for this type of site in my experience.


      Thanks for your opinion Lee. This is what I was also thinking but I thought it was worth posing the question.

      We are looking at a potential bespoke solution for this client but just trying to gather a bunch of different options/approaches at this stage.

      Web . Design . Multimedia . Branding


        you could ask people to select their location in order to enter the site, or have an option at the top of each page if there is no preset selection (when people arrive via SE), then show prices using blocks.

        0 show no price
        1 europe
        2 usa etc etc


          Jo, that could be an idea, though I think I'd rather use some sort of IP intelligence to automatically direct the user to the correct version/price, but maybe it could be linked with using blocks, as you said.

          Hhmmm... I'll look into that.

          Many thanks.
          Web . Design . Multimedia . Branding


            I stumbled upon an Actinic-driven site last week, which asked for your Location to enter the shop, different products were shown depending on the Location chosen - though I can't find it now. Must be some serious hacks going on to get this effect - IMHO this just isn't a feasible project for this software.


              Cheers Grant, it would be good to see it.

              If you do see it again, could you possibly post it please.
              Web . Design . Multimedia . Branding


                I don't remember trawling through search engines looking for any site in particular, perhaps it was on the forum...

                I'll post it up if I find it.


                  You can't use blocks as these only operate on the desktop during page compilation, not on the online site. With actinic you'd probably need to have 4 currencies showing and have Javascript hiding 3 of them according to location. Even if you cracked that, you'd still hit the hurdle that actinic only operates in one currency, so forces you to use one site per currency.

                  You'd therefore go back to some kind of splash screen idea that evaluated IP and then bounced off to one of the 4 setup sites. Sounds horrific but i'd love to see it in action if it was possible.


                    Aaaahh, of course they. What am I thinking?!

                    Think you're right Lee, it just doesn't seem possible to manage within one Actinic site.

                    I guess it may be possible if we have four separate Actinic sites, though not ideal.

                    Norman did mention that we could possibly use the EXTERNAL LINK capability to pull the product details from a common database but using a different column for each regions prices.

                    To be honest, I really don't think Actinic will be the best solution for this.

                    The client has asked for costs on a more simple solution (just one region & currency) and this is where I'd use Actinic.
                    Web . Design . Multimedia . Branding

