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Incorporating Forum/Bulletin Board & review/testimonial sections

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    Incorporating Forum/Bulletin Board & review/testimonial sections

    Has anybody had any success introducing a forum/bulletin board in to their Actinic website? Is it difficult to do? Is it expensive? I notice there are a couple of free products around. Anybody got a recommendation?

    What about a review/testimonial section? Has anybody had any luck incoporating one of these into their websites? I'd like to introduce a sort of feedback system similar to what eBay offer and keep it regularly updated. My personal opinions of the old fashioned testimonial is that they are old fashioned! Without updating them and date stamping them, the browser has no idea how old the comments really are.

    I'm really suprised that nobody has been able to suggest anything.

    I can't believe I've beaten all you experts this time!


      The forum idea has been discussed a number of times on here already.

      Wth testimonials, i think you'd be better going product review instead. This is where it's at and it doubles up as a testimonial section a lot of the time anyway. Again also discussed already on the forum. Codepath do the best plugin for actinic currently.

