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How do I remove the add to cart button & scroll down options?

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    How do I remove the add to cart button & scroll down options?


    My website url:

    If it is possible (I've been trying to figure this out for a week!) can anyone tell me how to

    - remove the add to cart button and scroll down options and quantity box so that they only appear on the extended information page?

    - Insert a 'back' button on the extended info page (after adding the add to cart button it has disappeared)

    - Remove the lines that go half way across the pages in between each product?

    - Remove the lines around the best selling items & new products list

    - Format this fragment in online shop so it doesn't appear flush left

    - Design the site so that it does not expand and stretch untidyly across the screen and stays in the middle in one block - it looks terrible on widescreen monitors!

    i hope I have explained the problems I've encountered correctly.

    I'd appreciate any help or advice about the above if anyone can help



    You seem to be starting off on the wrong foot, many people before you have done the same and then corrected things further down the line. This is your chance to not go down that route and get things correct from the start.

    Firstly, don't use the smart theme, it sucks on all accounts - search the forum on 'smart theme' if you want the info why. It's design, navigation and look are all poor and can be much better.

    Secondly, scrap using extended info pages, unless they are to just show an enlarged image. There's a tutorial on my site about using SPP setup - i suggest you heed this now and get on with setting up that type of structure. MPP is not the way forward and hasn't been for a couple of years.

    Thirdly, choose a theme that gets you as close to what you want. Your list clearly shows that the theme you have got is not ticking your boxes, so choose one that does. You obviously lack actinic and html experience, even with the forum bolstering you, it will be a struggle to get all things as you want them. You may be best to send the work out to a designer, at the very least, choose a theme to minimise the things you do not like.

    Remember you also have the design wizard in V9 and there are also template shops out there selling full designs for a few hundred pound, this may be a better idea to get you started while you get used to things and how they work.


      I've managed to sort the line issue, although I'm not sure how to change this section of the site so the text appears below the image and title with scroll down options and checkout cart beneath it, can anyone help?


        Hi Lee

        Thanks for your reply.

        Ok, thanks, I wasn't aware of this. Which theme/buttons would you suggest would be suitable?

        Please excuse my ignorance, but what is MPP? Can you possibly send me the link for SPP?

        I guess you're right, I'm fairly new to Actinic and everything's been on a self taught basis, this is my first time using this community board. I would like to pay a designer but don't have sufficient funds as I'm still building up my business at present, any help regards a theme and advice on how best I can work round this would be great.

        Another question - what is wrong with extended info pages? I've noticed a lot of online shops use them, I thought if I put all the info on there and all the scroll down options with add to cart buttons this would make the layout a lot crisper and cleaner.

        Many thanks



          There's a thesaurus in my signature. There's a tutorial about SPP on my site and any theme that floats your boat apart from the smart theme. The smart theme is the worst IMO. I understand the predicament with funds, but when trying to get a business off the ground, it's important that the correct steps are made. If you are making cheap but wrong decisions, then things are not going anywhere anyway.

          If you are happy using extended info pages, then stick with them, design and how to setup a site is a subjective area, so go with what you are happy with.


            Hi Lee

            Thanks for your advice. I will check out the turorial now and change the theme. Not sure what best to do about the extended info pages. How much would your business charge to help me sort my site out then? It is good to get a professional opinion on my site, I guess I've needed this for a while, as I've had to do it all myself as we couldn't afford the cost of a designer to build the whole thing. But if it's just a few things and you think this may help then I'm sure I could look into it.

            Kind regards



              You don't need to pay a designer for this part to be honest, a good few hours reading through the forum and a thorough investigation of actinic sites will show you the way. Have a look in the showcase threads also AND the review forum, much of the feedback applies for all sites. Never forget the market leading websites in your industry, they are already showing what is successful.


                I've had a look at other Actinic sites and they are really good, obvioulsy done by designers. I used the smart theme as I like the white background and not any blocks of red and green colour - I've experimented with other themes as I'm doing now and none of them work with my design, all the text, top logo banner and everything goes everywhere and I'm rubbish at code so can't alter it. I know Smart is basic but I chose it as it was the theme that seemed to work the most.

                I will look through the threads as you've suggested and the review forum but it might be better to get a professional on the job, how much approx would it cost?

                Also thanks for your advice about SPP - I will definitely work this into my shop now as soon as I have the time.


                  if you dont like any of the themes, use the tool within v9 to create you own design (i cant tell you where it is as i dont have v9 on this pc at the mo) .

                  If you dont want to build your site with professional advise then make sure you read this forum everyday so you can pick up useful tips (especially tips you didn't know you needed to know).

                  But the most important thing nowadays with ecommerce is carefully research your market and build a site that knocks the socks of your competitors, there is little point in just throwing something up with the build it and he will come philosophy. Things are much tighter now with the double whammy of more and more competition online and fewer buyers due to recession.


                    Hi Lee

                    Regarding the SPP approach - would I just put the title or name of each product in the meta description, title and keywords or would I add say ten keyowrds as I do for the sections? (I have been told to add no more than 10 keywords in each of the sections for better SEO) What is the best bet for SEO, and for the main sections too? Many of our products such as the cues, people wouldn't be looking for the specific name of the cue they would look if it's a two piece, or one piece or if it's handmade and this would usually go in product description on the page.

                    Thanks pinbrook for your advice, I will try the design wizard as you suggest. The main thing is that the site is well optimised and people can easily find what they're looking for. We are considering having a professional web designer look over the site, although budget is fairly limited, would you adivse of anyone with good knowledge of Actinic who may be suitable?


                      Originally posted by snooker direct View Post
                      Regarding the SPP approach - would I just put the title or name of each product in the meta description, title and keywords or would I add say ten keyowrds as I do for the sections? (I have been told to add no more than 10 keywords in each of the sections for better SEO) What is the best bet for SEO, and for the main sections too? Many of our products such as the cues, people wouldn't be looking for the specific name of the cue they would look if it's a two piece, or one piece or if it's handmade and this would usually go in product description on the page.
                      META Keywords are dead, i wouldn't bother with these at all personally.

                      META Description - see this as the line of text that visitors see under your link on the search engine result page, so make it good to read

                      SPP is about a page (section) totally dedicated to one product. Whatever you feel is what people will search for, is what the page can be built around to some extent. Remember a human being needs to read the page, never forget the visitor.

                      Two-Piece Handmade Cue By Ronnie O'Sullivan would be a good title from what you say. What you need to do is investigate though instead of asking and see the hard facts for yourself. Look at what the best sites in your marketplace are doing and use it as a guideline. It's pointless asking in a forum what to do, when all the evidence you could ever need is out there for you to find. You need not take any risk from a person's advice, see what is working in the real world.


                        With no money to invest in the site, the best thing you can do is throw hours of reading and learning at it. You couldn't have chosen a worse design to start with is the probable truth, so your decisions are already hampering, not growing the business online. It's a tough call when finances are limited, but the fact remains that when you have little idea on how to build or market a successful site, you would be better to sell a kidney to raise the funds than just chuck anything up online nowadays, things are so flooded and competitive.

                        Had you engaged the services of a good designer at the start, without question they would have already made back for you their charges and you'd be sitting on much more profit from extra sales. That is unfortunately one of the frustrating areas of this business. 5 years ago what you have put live would have survived for a while, nowadays it just won't cut it.

                        It's a harsh reality i'm afraid, the great news is that you have great content for your products, this is usually a stumbling block for new sites, so the foundation for something good is there. Spend 5-6 hours simply studying what the competition are doing, that will be the most beneficial thing you can do.


                          Thanks for the advice Lee. Is it possible for me to therefore ring you to discuss the possibility of revamping the site? I think we are best getting a designer looking at it, but need a breakdown of the costs. I have tried the number on your site but just got an answerphone. Many thanks Heather


                            Heather, i wasn't touting for business i assure you. Whether you engage the services of a designer or not, to keep costs down you are going to have to get involved in with doing the restructure yourself. There is nothing to stop that happening NOW and if you do that along with a theme change, it will be the single biggest boost your site can get.

                            - Look how the big boys in your marketplace are setup
                            - Change theme
                            - Convert to SPP

                            No designer needed to do any of those and they are three of the biggest and most time consuming things for you to be getting on with.

                            PS - sorry i missed the phone, i was making a smoothie.


                              I have just rang and left a message on your answerphone. If you get time please ring me to discuss further. I am going to start on converting all my pages to SPP immediately, it's going to take a lot of time, but hopefully will be worth it - thank you.

                              I have checked out a lot of our competition and some do use a similar 'smart' theme - and are examples of this - although I realise the set up looks quite naff compared to the Atlantic Shopping site set up you have on your website.

                              these guys:- are all major competitors of ours.

                              If I converted all the pages to SPP what would be the cost of implementing the sort of theme/design used for Atlantic shopping, with me doing as much of the work as possible?

