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creating new site by copying old

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    creating new site by copying old

    I have done this before and never noticed a problem, but this time I copied a largish site just under 1GB in to a new site folder, then once opened I deleted the products, fragments etc and also the folders that were not required.
    It should now be I would have thought a small file.
    But its uploaded as 850MB.
    75MB I would have guessed.

    Any ideas why its still so large?

    All the html files for the previous site in the folders i suspect were uploaded. Always use a snapshot to copy a site, import it and then delete what you dont want. A further snapshot of that imported into another fresh site is the most trouble free method you can use.


      Did you compact the database after deleting the products?


        I always use the snap shot import then delete unwanted files, Its never done this before.
        Im upgarding to V9.5 tonight then Ill see how it saves.

        No, Ive not compacted.
        I did this once several versions back and I cant rember the draw back but ended up uncompacting as it worked better?


          I'm confused, you always use snapshots, yet you copied the contents of a largish site into the site1 folder on this occasion? You can't uncompact a compacted database and you wouldn't want to anyway, that would be like emptying a full bin out onto the floor because the floor was clean. I'm not sure what you are mixed up on there, perhaps the compacting of html which is totally different to the essential maintenance task of compacting an actinic database on a regular basis. When you close actinic, look at the options offered in the window that pops up.


            Originally posted by g11ary View Post
            I have done this before and never noticed a problem, but this time I copied a largish site just under 1GB in to a new site folder, then once opened I deleted the products, fragments etc and also the folders that were not required.
            It should now be I would have thought a small file.
            But its uploaded as 850MB.
            75MB I would have guessed.

            Any ideas why its still so large?
            Never mentioned a site1 folder,
            Ive not explained properly.

            I imported a snapshot (copied a large file) in to a new site.
            Once imported I removed the pages/fragments etc not required.

            I thought that there was a drew back once you compact, are there any features that get lost or become unsable once done.
            I rember have problems after I had done this back in V6 or 7.
            Not done this since.


              Originally posted by g11ary View Post
              but this time I copied a largish site just under 1GB in to a new site folder
              This was what i was referring to that you said.

              Compacting the database has only ever had benefits to offer, i'm not sure i've ever heard of a drawback from it. It's rather amazing that you've never had to do one to cure a problem to be honest, most other people have to, to get things moving again. A database compact is like a spring clean for the database, much the same as a house doesn't suffer from a spring clean, the actinic database shouldn't either.

              If you follow either the previous advice off myself or Duncan, your problem should go away. The fact it hasn't happened before is a little bit of a mystery agreed, however all i can suggest is what i've found to be a trouble free method, many times over.


                Originally posted by g11ary View Post
                I always use the snap shot import then delete unwanted files, Its never done this before.
                Im upgarding to V9.5 tonight then Ill see how it saves.

                No, Ive not compacted.
                I did this once several versions back and I cant rember the draw back but ended up uncompacting as it worked better?
                Access databases do not reuse the space when a record is deleted thus the database grows continuously as records are added. When you deleted all the items the records were removed from the database but the space was not recovered. The action of compacting an Access database removes the empty space that is no longer needed thus reducing the size of the database.

                The other action often recomended by Actinic is to defrag the drive, this has a similar effect in that it ensures files occupy contiguous space on the drive which also compacts the files by minimising the amount of space that the use on the drive. If you do this first (after taking the necessary backups) and then compact the database it will now occupy the minimum space on the disc which improves operation of the Actinic software, by reducing disc access times.

                I have seen this action greatly improve the operation of Actinic and reduce the size of the Access database to a minimum. Defragmenting a drive does not need to be done often I would suggest maybe once or twice a year for a reasonably active machine.


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