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URGENT: Cannot open Actinic

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    URGENT: Cannot open Actinic

    Help. I cannot open Actinic v8. I get the "could not delete from specified folder" error box followed by the System Configuration Error message:

    Your system isn't configured correctly and Actinic cannot function. This is normally caused by the database components currently installed, and is acknowledged by Microsoft as a problem (see

    In most cases it can be corrected by installing the latest copy (at least version of "Microsoft Data Access Components" or "MDAC" which can be downloaded from Microsoft. MDAC 2.6 is also supplied on the on Catalog install CD. If need to download it from Microsoft, click on the first link below to open your browser at the relevant page, and then follow the appropriate links.

    My system currently shows MDAC v2.8 sp1. I tried to download it and install it but the install failed. "Not supported for this operating system". I have XP sp3.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Uninstall actinic, reinstall the latest version and import your last working snapshot, that's probably your easiest and simplest way. 30 mins start to finish to do that.



      I will try that.


        I too have experienced this issue.
        However, it is not confined to just v8.
        It is also an issue for me with v7, v8 & v9.
        It affects some 15 sites that I manage!

        It appears that an [unsolicited] update from Microsoft this lunchtime has updated the system. v8 & v9 were both okay yesterday.

        I have tried to download MDAC 2.8 but it won't install. (wrong OS version).
        I have downloaded and run MDAC 2.6, okay.
        Actinic still not working.

        I then uninstalled v8 and re-installed v8.
        Still not working.
        I am reluctant to try v9 as I see no point at this time.

        If anybody has a solution that works, please post.
        Failing that, the address of Microsoft Accounts department in order that I can invoice them for the disruption. (This, together with the fiasco that is IE8 is costing me dearly).


          Originally posted by Jarvis View Post
          (together with the fiasco that is IE8 is costing me dearly).
          hmmm ie 7 has issues for me, a site displays text great in ie6 and ie8 but not 7

          however i bet if you read the small print on ms updates they probably have everything tied down about wrecking some poor soles computer.

          I hope you get some resolve but its interesting that this is not a problem for everyone



            Have you tried transferring the sites to another PC?


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              We had the same thing happen on our pc last weekend, un-installing and re-installing got us up and running, but the snapshot was 10 days old so a lot of rebuilding of the orders using the emails. Actinic support when I sent them a copy of the database said it was corrupted beyond repair ! It also bug*****d the Fedex ship management software.

              Only happened on the xp machine, vista machines seem so far unaffected.

              Oh I should say it was on 9.0.4


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                Originally posted by olderscot View Post

                Have you tried transferring the sites to another PC?

                I have Actinic on my laptop for those sad moments when I work in front of the telly in the evenings.
                All versions work, and all snapshots work.
                The laptop has not had the latest Microsoft updates.

                Since the original post, I have installed the MDAC from the original Actinic disk.
                Rolled back the OS to before the MS update, (twice, from two different restore points).
                Kicked the computer and got rat-arsed!

                I really am in deep trouble now.

                All I can see is two choices; one to completely trash the PC and reinstall all the software on it, (major work), or two, buy a new PC.
                The latter would appear to be the easier if not the cheapest option, however, that would mean using Vista and would cause other issues on the office network. Just when a new OS is due out as well.

                I recognise that strictly speaking it is not Actinic's fault. However, I can see no help coming from Microsoft and am therefore looking to Actinic for a workaround.

                To be honest, this could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me and it may be time I moved on in a new direction. I've just about had enough digging out of holes not of my own making.


                  Originally posted by Jarvis View Post
                  To be honest, this could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me and it may be time I moved on in a new direction. I've just about had enough digging out of holes not of my own making.
                  We have had this issue today, and concur with Jarvis - as CB already knows!
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