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Site Update Issue

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    Site Update Issue

    I am using v8 since 1 mnt and actinic is very new to me.I am trying to remove few product which is out of stock by unticking 'can be ordered' option as i am not using stock management.When i try to update site the update finish very quickly but no chages on my site.Looks like no affect by updating.Please advice.

    Welcome to the Community.

    Unchecking Can Be Ordered Online won't remove the product from the live page. All it will do is remove the Add to Cart button from the uploaded product display.

    Check Hide on Website instead to make the product disappear from the uploaded pages.

    Remember that your browser may be caching pages so you may to force a page reload to see the updated results.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Ya I even tried Hide from website,but seems the upload doesnt do anything.Previously it use to take atleat 3 to 5 mins to complete update.But now it finish 1st 2 or 3 ticks and finish in less than 1 min. Any other way to check?


        Try a Preview and see what happens on that page.

        As far as the upload terminating early, it's hard to say why that may be happening. Usual first thing to try is Compacting the Database, followed by a full site Refresh.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          The preview shows exactly as we expecting but after the update it does not work.


            I have done compact database and refresh website but after the 3rd option in Check and send file option "checking the search indices " its stops the updates.


              Did you recentrly, add some products? If so try deleting these, Purge the database / contents (Housekeeping menu) and see if that fixes things.

              If not, it may be that your database needs to go to Actinic support to be repaired.

              Also, what version of V8 are you using. if not up-to-date there may be bugs lurking.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                I just trying to add stock monitoring on the product.The version is GLCA.Can i update the version?


                  In v8 terms V8.0.3 is ancient. Two years older than the most recent V8.

                  The current V8 version is 8.5.3 I think. It may be safer to see what Actinic can do before you try to update to a recent version.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Thanks Norman for ur replies.
                    I was checking tips in the Actinic website which says ;
                    Things to try:

                    * Check if 'Outlook Express' or 'Internet Explorer' are in 'Work Offline' mode. If they are change them to 'Work Online'.

                    * If you are using a PSP (Payment Service Provider) - Close Actinic, re-run the PSP setup (PSPSetup.exe) from the original Actinic CD, restart Actinic and select 'Web | Refresh Website'.

                    * Go to 'Web | Network Setup' and change the 'Script ID' number to something different (ie if it is '1', then change it to '2') and upload the site (note that if you have any hard-coded links that reference scripts you will have to change the link to ensure it is using the new script ID)

                    I tried the last option and it worked.Thanks for all ur help again

