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Add to basket / search problem

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    Add to basket / search problem

    Hi all,

    I've got a problem with one of my web sites:

    None of the CGI scripts appear to be responding - you can't add to basket, search or visit the "request a catalogue" form. Each time you try to do one of these things you're bounced back to the web site homepage.

    This was working absolutely fine in development and during testing, so I'm a little baffled as to what's changed once the site has been deployed.

    My client has made some changes (to add more products) since I last saw the site and I'm waiting for a snapshot to be sent across so that I can investigate, but I wondered whether anyone had any ideas why this might be happening?

    Many thanks,

    first thought would be to change the CGI script ID and refresh the website.
    Often this is enough to fix.


      Thanks Tracey. All sorted now I think.

      A combination of network configuration problems, modified CGI scripts that weren't being passed from my client's Vista machine and a very random problem with a code error that appeared from nowhere on a page I hadn't even edited.

      After a frustrating 6 hour bug-hunt, a site purge and complete overhaul of server settings, everything seems to be working and we're taking orders.


      Now... what was it that I meant to do today before all this kicked off...?

